Catalyst for the first hydrodemetalization step in a hydroprocessing system with multiple reactors for the improvement of heavy and extra heavy crudes
An improved catalyst for hydrodemetallization of heavy crude oils and residua is disclosed. The catalyst is adopted for fixed bed hydroprocessing units. The invention is characterized for having a large pore diameter catalyst principally for hydrodemetallization of heavy oil and residue in a first reactor of a multi-reactor process. The catalyst has high demetallizing activity and high metal deposition capacity which results in good stability with time on stream (TOS). The hydrorefining catalyst is obtained by kneading a porous starting powder principally composed of gamma-alumina and having a pore capacity of 0.3-0.6 ml/g or larger and a mean pore diameter of 10 to 26 nm, extrudating and calcining, and after that supported with active metals component of elements belonging to groups VIIIB and VIB of the periodic table.