An electrical circuit arrangement including a plurality of bistate devices such as vibration detection devices (2 to 7) connected therein. (Figure 1) each occupying a particular position in the circuit, and each having a resistor (R 2 to R 7 ) associated therewith, such that a predertermined value of resistance normally prevails and the value is changed when any device changes state, comparison means (13 to 17) for comparing a parameter such as the current in the circuit with a reference parameter to indicate the identity of any device which has changed state and the position in the circuit of any changed-state device. In a second embodiment (Figure 2) the bistate devices (2 to 6; 30 to 34) and resistors (R i to R s ) are connected in a multi-terminal network (1, 1; 35. 36) and connected to monitoring means (39) such as a microprocessor, via a switching unit (40), the monitoring means (39) being operable in a plurality of different modes to monitor the devices (2 to 6; 30 to 34) across different combinations of pairs of terminals (1,1'; 35, 36) such as to identify the position of any changed-state device in the circuit and to identify any failed or faulty device and to allow the circuit to continue to operate despite any failed or faulty device.
Procede et dispositif permettant de realiser un systeme de circulation de liquide sous pression controlee comprenant une conduite de circulation (10) au travers de laquelle un liquide peut circuler et recirculer pour executer une fonction desiree, telle que le chauffage et/ou le refroidissement d'un poste de travail tel qu'un moule (13). L'invention comporte l'ouverture et la fermeture de cette conduite de circulation (10) par rapport a une source de liquide d'alimentation telle que le reseau d'eau potable de la ville, a une pression elevee tout en maintenant la pression controlee du liquide a l'interieur de cette conduite de circulation (10) a une valeur sensiblement inferieure, et se caracterisant en ce que la conduite de circulation est maintenue ouverte par rapport a une ligne de drainage (17) a tout moment et que l'on fournit ou maintient une pression de drainage qui est au moins legerement superieure a la pression atmospherique et egale a la pression desiree a l'interieur de la conduite de circulation (10) dans la zone de celle-ci qui debouche dans la ligne de drainage.
Processes are provided for the adhering together of articles employing vitrifiable adhesives. According to a preferred embodiment, two or more articles (10, 12) are contacted with a polymerizable adhesive (24) comprising a particulate, inorganic filler and a polymerizable resin comprising at least 0.25% by weight of the adhesive of a polymerizable silane. The adhesive is then polymerized and the polymerized adhesive heated to afford a vitrified bond.
Endodontic filling systems are provided having improved properties over those known to the prior art. Endodontic points are provided comprising hydrophilic, polymeric compositions (40). Such points are swellable when placed into a prepared root canal space (36) and provide substantially complete filling of lateral cavity spaces (38) without invasion of the subapicial space. According to a preferred embodiment, such points are used in conjunction with pastes or fluids comprising hydrophilic, polymeric compositions.
Conveyor apparatus in which there is a first conveyor means (A) for transporting material in one direction and second conveyor means (B) for transporting material in a different direction. Between the respective conveyor means there is transfer means (C) including a rotatable deflector dish having a concave surface (15) in a position to intercept material discharged from the first conveyor means (A) and to deliver it to the second conveyor means (B). The deflector dish (15, 17) is mounted so that it is rotated, at least partially, by the momentum of the material received from the first conveyor means (A).
Un ecrou lamine (18) se compose de strates de segments de rondelles a ressort coniques fractionnes (40, 42, 44, 46), dans lesquels au moins l'un des segments possede un rapport de charge/deflexion different d'un autre segment, assurant ainsi une charge plus uniforme des filets sur les segments lamines, ainsi qu'un auto-verrouillage de l'ecrou sur le boulon par interference des filets. Un mecanisme de verrou (36) est egalement prevu pour verrouiller automatiquement et positivement l'ecrou (18) sur le boulon associe (20) ainsi que pour des raisons de securite et eliminer les consequences judiciaires associes a la responsabilite sur le produit.
A withdrawal transducer structure is employed in a narrow-band surface acoustic wave device requiring many pairs of interdigital transducer fingers (1a-1c, 2a-2c) or in a high-frequency surface acoustic wave device in which the thickness of interdigital transducer fingers is large relative to the wavelength (L) of the surface acoustic wave, so that the interdigital transducer fingers may not severely adversely affect the characteristics of the device. The interdigital transducer fingers in the input and output piezoelectric transducers are suitably partly withdrawn to leave some of them (13a-13b, 14a-14b) or dummy fingers (11a-11d) are additionally provided to eliminate the adverse effect of the interdigital transducer fingers on the characteristics of the device, so that the narrow-band or high-frequency surface acoustic wave device can operate with improved performance without making any unnecessary frequency response.
An encoder arrangement for machines having a rotating worm shaft (19) which controls the movement of a working part and which has an optical disc (S) on the shaft whose' movement is photoelectrically sensed and interpreted by a controller to govern drive mechanism for moving the part in accordance with a program. The disc (S) and photoelectric sensing means (70, 71, 72) are contained in a dustproof casing (R) mounted on the machine and surrounding the shaft (19). The disc (S) is in the form of companion segments (32, 33) which are clamped to each other and about the shaft (19). The casing (R) is in the form of companion shells (R 1 ,R 2 ) which are mounted on the machine casing and are connected to each other about the shaft (19). A preferred use of the encoder arrangement is with paper cutting machines of the type having a backstop movable along a worm shaft.