The invention disclos a class of foam materials characterized by regions of material unidirectionality. After acidic hydrolysis of cellulose, the obtained cellulose crystals are suspended in water and unidirectionally frozen. The porous product obtained after solvent exchange and drying shows a structure of unididirectionally oriented pores.
Provided is an unique, efficient and cost-effective process for the recovery of acid from acid-rich solutions. The process of the subject matter utilizes a strong oxidizer, such as Caro's acid, to disintegrate or render insoluble organic or inorganic materials such as carbohydrates and complexes thereof contained in acid-rich solutions, to make efficient and simple the separation and recovery of the acid solution. The acid recovered thus obtained is free of organic matter, and containing nearly all of the acid originally contained in the acid-rich solution.
The invention provides novel uses of cellulose-based nanomaterials in the manufacture of absorbent materials or encapsulation materials for absorbing, carrying or encapsulating a variety of agents.