The invention relates to a method for the synthesis of peptides, peptide mimetics and/or proteins and/or for the selective N-terminal modification of peptides, peptide mimetics and/or proteins. Said method comprises the following steps: a) an amino constituent comprising at least one amino acid is prepared, b) a carboxy constituent comprising a leaving group on the carboxyl group is prepared, said carboxy constituent being a compound comprising at least one amino acid or a compound comprising at least one marker group or reporter group, and c) the amino constituent and the carboxy constituent are reacted in a reaction medium comprising at least one ionic liquid, in the presence of a protease, a peptidase and/or a hydrolase, a peptide bond being formed between the amino constituent and the carboxy constituent, splitting off the leaving group.
Beschrieben wird ein Verfahren zur Herstellung von biologisch aktivem β-NGF, ausgehend von der Proform proNGF. Nach Expression der Proform des β-NGF in einer prokaryotischen Wirtszelle wird das rekombinante Protein in Form unlöslicher, inaktiver Aggregate (Inclusion Bodies) isoliert. Nach deren Solubilisierung in einem starken Denaturierungsmittel und anschließender Überführung in die natürliche Konformation, die durch die im natürlichen β-NGF vorhandenen Disulfidbrücken bestimmt ist, wird durch anschließende Abspaltung der Prosequenz biologisch aktiver β-NGF gewonnen.