A method and apparatus are disclosed for conducting broadcast, multipoint, and conference communications in a TDMA network at various data rates while simultaneously conducting point-to-point communications at other data rates, either between local ports or between geographically remote ports during time intervals within a TDMA burst, which are not necessarily predefined. The disclosed apparatus appends a direct destination address to each point-to-point port communication for transmission over a communications link, to directly address the intended destination port. The disclosed invention appends an indirect destination address to each broadcast communication transmitted over the communications link. A broadcast memory (375) is provided at the receiving end of the communications link, for storing correlated direct addresses which are accessed by the indirect destination addresses, to directly address a plurality of intended destination ports. In this manner, both point-to-point and broadcast-type communications can be carried out for a variety of data rates, during time intervals which are not predetermined within the TDMA burst, and with a high degree of connectivity.
A method and apparatus are disclosed for conducting broadcast, multipoint, and conference communications in a TDMA network at various data rates while simultaneously conducting point-to-point communications at other data rates, either between local ports or between geographically remote ports during time intervals within a TDMA burst, which are not necessarily predefined. The disclosed apparatus appends a direct destination address to each point-to-point port communication for transmission over a communications link, to directly address the intended destination port. The disclosed invention appends an indirect destination address to each broadcast communication transmitted over the communications link. A broadcast memory (375) is provided at the receiving end of the communications link, for storing correlated direct addresses which are accessed by the indirect destination addresses, to directly address a plurality of intended destination ports. In this manner, both point-to-point and broadcast-type communications can be carried out for a variety of data rates, during time intervals which are not predetermined within the TDMA burst, and with a high degree of connectivity.
In einem Zeitmultiplexsystem mit Vielfachzugriff (TDMA-System) kann das Format der ausgesendeten Daten in Abhängigkeit von den Störungseinflüssen auf die Übertragungsstrecken geändert werden. Von jeder Station (a. b, c) wird im Zeitmultiplexvertahren in der dieser Station zugewiesenen Zeitperiode ein Bündel von Kanälen ausgesandt. Im Normalmodus werden in einem Kanal zu Beginn die Bestimmungsadresse und hierauf 480 Datenbits ausgesandt. Im Fehlersicherungsmodus werden für die gleiche Datenbitmenge zwei Kanäle vorgesehen. Dabei wird zu Beginn eine Anzeigeinformation übertragen. welche am Empfangsort eine Unterscheidung des Fehlersicherungsmodus gestattet. Hierauf werden die Bestimmungsadresse und die Datenbits übertragen, wobei die Anzahl der Datenbits durch Hinzufügen von weiteren 480 redundanten Prüfbits auf 960 Bits erweitert wurde (Doppelredundanzcode). Mit dem gleichen Doppelredundanzcode wird auch die Bestimmungsadresse und die Formatanzeige fehlercodiert.