Preferred embodiments of the present invention are directed to systems for phase measurement which address the problem of phase noise using combinations of a number of strategies including, but not limited to, common-path interferometry, phase referencing, active stabilization and differential measurement. Embodiment are directed to optical devices for imaging small biological objects with light. These embodiments can be applied to the fields of, for example, cellular physiology and neuroscience. These preferred embodiments are based on principles of phase measurements and imaging technologies. The scientific motivation for using phase measurements and imaging technologies is derived from, for example, cellular biology at the sub-micron level which can include, without limitation, imaging origins of dysplasia, cellular communication, neuronal transmission and implementation of the genetic code. The structure and dynamics of sub-cellular constituents cannot be currently studied in their native state using the existing methods and technologies including, for example, x-ray and neutron scattering. In contrast, light based techniques with nanometer resolution enable the cellular machinery to be studied in its native state. Thus, preferred embodiments of the present invention include systems based on principles of interferometry and/or phase measurements and are used to study cellular physiology. These systems include principles of low coherence interferometry (LCI) using optical interferometers to measure phase, or light scattering spectroscopy (LSS) wherein interference within the cellular components themselves is used, or in the alternative the principles of LCI and LSS can be combined to result in systems of the present invention
The methods of the present invention are directed at an accurate phase-based technique for measuring one or more characteristics of an object to be measured. Such a characteristic can include arbitrarily long distances, for example, preferably with sub-nanometer precision. A preferred embodiment of the present invention employs an interferometer, for example, a Michelson interferometer, with harmonically related light sources, one continuous wave (CW) and a second source having low coherence (LC). The low coherence source provides a spectral bandwidth, preferably a bandwidth of greater than 5 nm for a 1 micron (µ) wavelength, for example, although the required bandwidth can vary as a function of wavelength and application. By slightly adjusting the center wavelength of the low coherence source between scans of the object to be measured such as a target sample, the phase relationship between the heterodyne signals of the CW and low coherence light can be used to measure the separation between reflecting surfaces or interfaces with sub-nanometer precision. As this technique is completely free of 2π ambiguity, an issue that plagues most phase-based techniques, it can be used to measure arbitrarily long optical distances without loss of precision. An application of a preferred embodiment of the method of the present invention is the precision determination of the refractive index of a sample at a given wavelength of a sample with a known physical thickness. Another application of a preferred embodiment of the method of the present invention is the precision determination of a sample's physical thickness with a known refractive index. A further application of a preferred embodiment of the method of the present invention is the precision determination of the refractive index ratio at two given wavelengths.
Radiation that propagates undeflected through a turbid medium, undergoes a small change in phase velocity due to its wave nature. This change can be measured using a differential phase optical interferometer. Ballistic propagation can be classified into three regimes: for scatterers small compared to the wavelength, the turbid medium acts as a bulk medium; for large scatterers, phase velocity is independent of turbidity; and in the intermediate regime, the phase velocity is strongly dependent on scatterer radius. In particular, for scatterers having intermediate size, a phase velocity increase and negative dispersion is observed by adding positive dispersion scatterers of higher refractive index. These measurements are made using the phase difference between fundamental and harmonic light and can be used to provide diagnostic information and images of tissues or biological fluids.
The present invention relates to systems and methods of field-based light scattering spectroscopy. These systems and methods provide for the diagnosis of tissue (26) by measuring the size and distribution of cellular characteristics. Field based measurements provide phase information resulting from the interaction of scatterers within the material and the incident wavefront. These measurements can be used to provide three dimensional images of tissue.