A desired programmable complex analog bandpass filter (10) is replaced by a 'black box' that receives an analog continuous-time signal and delivers an analog continuous-time signal, just as the analog filter would, but internally realizes the programmability with a programmable discrete-time system. The transfer function of the 'black box' is the same as the transfer function of the analog filter. The 'black box' includes an anti-aliasing filter (12), an A/D-converter (14), a complex digital bandpass filter (16), a D/A-converter (18) and an anti-imaging filter (20).
A down-converter converts an amplitude modulated high frequency signal into a low frequency or baseband signal. A first mixer (30, 32) mixes the high frequency signal into a composite signal having an in-phase component and a quadrature component. A complex bandpass filter (34) bandwith limits the composite signal into a bandwidth limited signal with an in-phase component and a quadrature component. A second mixer (36, 38) mixes the bandwidth limited signal into an intermediate signal with an in-phase component and a quadrature component, and an adder (40) adds one component of the intermediate signal to the other. A similar up-conventer performs the reverse process.