Des inductances commutables pour forts courants sont utilisées, en particulier, dans des circuits d'accord d'antenne. L'inductance entre les bornes du primaire (L1) d'un transformateur statique à air (T) prend deux valeurs distinctes selon que le secondaire (L2) du transformateur est mis en circuit ouvert ou en court-circuit par un système de commutation fait d'éléments semi-conducteurs de puissance (K1, K2, D1, D2). Application, en particulier, dans les circuits de couplage d'antennes (Ca, La, Ra) pour station VLF travaillant en émission par sauts de fréquence avec des antennes très sélectives.
A reverse current transmitted through an initially forward biased step-recovery diode causes the step-recovery diode to switch from the forward biased state to a reverse biased state, thereby developing an abruptly rising reverse bias voltage across the step-recovery diode. The abruptly rising reverse bias voltage is applied across a series combination of a capacitor and a laser diode, connected in parallel with the step-recovery diode to force a short, abrupt forward current pulse through the laser diode, thereby causing the laser diode to emit a short optical pulse.
The pre-drive circuit according to this invention controls the on/off operation of a transistor switching element (Q 1 ) via a pulse transformer (T) having two primary windings (P 1 , P 2 ) to which switching elements (Q 2 , Q 3 ) are connected, respectively. Feedback circuits (D 1 , D 2 ) are provided to connect signal output terminals of the switching elements (Q 2 , Q 3 ) to control terminals of the other switching elements (Q 3 , Q 2 ).
First and second switches such as transistors are connected to a charge storage member such as a capacitance. The capacitance is charged through the first transistor from a positive supply when the transistor becomes conductive. The capacitances is discharged through the second transistor to a reference potential such as ground when the second transistor becomes conductive. The conductivities of the first and second transistors are controlled by pulses from a pulse source such as a transformer. The transformer primary produces a pulse of one polarity upon the occurrence of the leading edge of an input signal and a pulse of an opposite polarity upon the occurrence of the trailing edge of the input signal. Two secondary windings are respectively connected in opposite polarities to the bases of the first and second transistors to provide for the conductivity of only one of the transistors at any one time. The transformers saturate the conductive transistor to prolong on a limited basis the time during which the transistor remains conductive. The other one of the transistors is made instantaneously non-conductive by providing for an instantaneous discharge of the stored base charge between the base and emitter of the transistor. A constant current source is electrically in parallel with the first transistor to sustain the capacitance charge at a high level after the limited period of time in which the first transistor remains conductive. A low frequency transistor is connected in parallel with the second transistor to sustain the discharge of the capacitance after the limited period of time in which the second transistor remains conductive.
A solid state relay for aerospace applications utilize a transistor circuit for selectively short-circuiting and open-circuiting a secondary winding of a current transformer whose primary winding is in series with an alternating current source and an alternating current load.
A drive circuit for a power switching transistor which controls a power switching transistor (QL) connected to the output terminal of a base circuit (BSC) so that it is turned on or off on the basis of signals input to a preamplifier (PAP), which circuit contains the preamplifier (PAP), the base circuit (BSC) driving the power switching transistor (QL) and a pulse transformer (PT) electromagnetically coupling the preamplifier (PAP) to the base circuit (BSC), in which the preamplifier (PAP) is connected in series with the primary coil of the transformer (PT) and a low impedance circuit is provided which forms a current loop with the primary coil with respect to the flyback voltage generated in the secondary coil of the transformer (PT).
A contactless relay wherein the application of an A.C. signal from an oscillator (1) to the primary winding of a transformer (3) is controlled by a command input (IN), and the A.C. signal obtained from the secondary winding of the transformer (3) is rectified into a D.C. signal by a rectifier circuit (4). The D.C. signal drives a transistor switching element (6) for switching action. The switching element (6) includes a single bipolar transistor (Figure 2), or a pair of bipolar transistors (6a, 6b) which can be connected in parallel to increase the current-carrying capacity of the relay. The output terminals (out 1, out 2) of the relay can be rendered non-polar by constructing the relay of two bipolar transistors (6a, 6b) having commonly connected emitters and commonly connected bases (Figure 3).