The invention provides a processing system, comprising a detector to detect a unitary barcode on a film (8), the barcode (10) identifying the film and a camera, thereby identifying a film/camera combination; and, a memory to store a plurality of processing algorithms one or more of the processing algorithms corresponding to a particular film/camera combination and being optimised in relation to one or more of the parameters of the respective film/camera combination; and, a selector to select the corresponding processing algorithm on identification of the film/camera combination, to process optimally the film. The invention provides a system in which the use of custom designed algorithms specifically optimised for the film/camera or even film/camera-lens combination and the usage pattern of OTUCs, enables optimisation of output images from the film to be obtained.
A printing system (110,120) for printing an image of a photographic film (1) having an identification code onto a photosensitive material (115) comprises a first reading device (10) for reading the identification code; a second reading device (20) for reading image information on the photographic film; a first inputting device for inputting a first correction data for the image information read by the second reading device; a second inputting device for inputting a second correction data for the image information read by the second reading device; a third reading device for reading the identification code from the photographic film; a printing device for printing the image of the photographic film onto the photosensitive material; and a control device (31,41,51) for controlling the printing device on the basis of the correction data corresponding to the identification code read by the third reading device.
An exposure control apparatus 10 for a microfilm printer 12 includes an area (planar) light source 50, photo detector 52, and digital control circuits 54. An averaged density reading over at least the central five to twenty percent of the area of the microfilm frame 36 is measured. This density reading is then used to control the intensity of the exposure lamp 24 via a digital control circuit. The spatial relationships between the elements of the light source 50, the microfilm frame 36 being read, and the photodetector 52 are optimally arranged to provide an even illumination of the portion of the microfilm frame 36 being measured without interfering with the film exposure process and without creating undue space demands. The microfilm density measurement provided by the apparatus 10 is used to automatically control the intensity of the exposure lamp 24 used in the exposure of a light sensitive medium 36 in the development of prints from the microfilm. The exposure lamp 24 light intensity that corresponds to the threshold level of the light sensitive medium 36 (the minimum light exposure level that will form an image with no film in the exposure station) is established as the zero density threshold intensity. A threshold offset that corresponds to the measured density of a microfilm frame 36 to be printed is added to the zero density threshold intensity to establish a desired exposure lamp intensity for exposing the microfilm frame for printing.
In automatic color printing, there is a need to identify scenes that have been exposed with a very narrow band illuminant and to apply no color correction to such scenes. Narrow band illuminant scenes are identified according to the present invention by scanning the original image in three primary colors, to generate three color value distributions. The statistics of the three color value distributions are computed, and if the ratio of the standard deviations for any two of the color value distributions is greater than a first predetermined constant (e.g. 4.0) or less than a second predetermined constant (e.g. .25), no color correction is employed. The method is particularly useful in a scanning color photographic printer employing histogram modification to effect tone-scale and color balance adjustments.
Upon production of a reproduced picture from an original picture having a standard or non-standard, tonal conversion of the original picture is conducted based on pictorial information from the original picture. The information is processed in such a way that the base density information datum of a desired control point on the original picture and the halftone intensity at a corresponding control point on the reproduced picture are correlated in accordance with a specific conversion formula (1).
Upon production of a reproduced picture from an original picture having a standard or non-standard, tonal conversion of the original picture is conducted based on pictorial information from the original picture. The information is processed in such a way that the base density information datum of a desired control point on the original picture and the halftone intensity at a corresponding control point on the reproduced picture are correlated in accordance with a specific conversion formula (1).
Zur Bestimmung der Belichtungszeit beim fotografischen Kopieren auf der Basis einer Mittelwertbildung der Lichtmeßwerte einer Anzahl unterschiedlicher Meßpunkte der projizierten Abbildung der Kopiervorlage sieht das erfindungsgemäße Verfahren vor, daß die aus dem Mittelwert resultierende Belichtungszeit laufend nach Maßgabe eines Proportionalitätsfaktors, der für einen in Messung befindlichen Meßpunkt das Verhältnis zwischen dem in die Mittelwertbildung eingehenden Augenblickswert und dem laufenden Meßwert ausdrückt, neu bewertet wird. Dadurch wird die angezeigte Belichtungszeit außer von den Meßwerten in den einzelnen Meßpunkten im Augenblick der Mittelwertbildung vom laufenden Meßwert in dem in Messung befindlichen Meßpunkt abhängig und die resultierende Zeit kann durch Beeinflussung der Lichtintensität auf einen vorgegebenen Wert zurückgeführt werden, ohne dadurch den zugrundeliegenden Mittelwert zu verändern. Entsprechend umfaßt die Meßvorrichtung zur Bestimmung der Belichtungszeit nach dem erfindungsgemäßen Verfahren ein Mikroprozessorsystem (103), das dazu vorbereitet ist, den Verhältniswert zwischen dem in die Mittelwertbildung eingehenden Meßwert in dem in Messung befindlichen Meßpunkt und dem laufenden Meßwert im selben Meßpunkt zu ermitteln und die aus der Mittelwertbildung resultierende Belichtungszeit nach Maßgabe dieses Verhältniswertes zu modifizieren.