배기가스 처리장치 및 그 제조방법
    배기가스 처리장치 및 그 제조방법 有权





    Abstract: A device ( 10 ) for treatment of exhaust gases includes a housing ( 12 ); a fragile structure ( 18 ) resiliently mounted within the housing ( 12 ); and a non-intumescent mounting mat ( 20 ) disposed in a gap between the housing ( 12 ) and the fragile structure ( 18 ). The mounting mat ( 20 ) comprises melt-formed, leached glass fibers high in silica content and exerts a minimum holding pressure for holding the fragile structure ( 18 ) within the housing ( 12 ) of one of (i) at least 10 kPa after 1000 cycles of testing at a hot face temperature of 900° C., a gap bulk density of between 0.3 and 0.5 g/cm 3 , and a percent gap expansion of 5 percent, and (ii) at least 50 kPa after 1000 cycles of testing at a hot face temperature of 300° C., a gap bulk density of between 0.3 and 0.5 g/cm 3 , and a percent gap expansion of 2 percent.

    Abstract translation: 一种用于处理废气的装置(10),包括壳体(12);壳体 弹性地安装在壳体(12)内的脆弱结构(18); 和布置在壳体(12)和脆弱结构(18)之间的间隙中的非膨胀安装垫(20)。 所述安装垫(20)包括熔融成型的沥滤玻璃纤维,所述沥青玻璃纤维具有高的二氧化硅含量并且施加最小保持压力以将脆弱结构(18)保持在壳体(12)中的以下之一中:(i)1000以后至少10kPa 在900℃的热面温度下进行测试循环。 C.在0.3至0.5g / cm 3 SUP%的间隙容积密度和5%的间隙膨胀百分比,和(ii)在热面测试1000次循环后至少50kPa 温度300℃ C.,0.3至0.5g / cm 3 SUP%的间隙容积密度和2%的间隙膨胀百分比。

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