Power, routability and electromigration have become crucial issues in modem microprocessor designs. In high performance designs, clocks are the highest consumer of power. Arranging clocking components with regularity so as to minimize the capacitance on the clock nets can help reduce clock power, however, it may hurt performance due to some loss of flexibility in physically placing those components. The present invention provides techniques to optimally place clock components in a regular fashion so as to minimize clock power within a performance constraint. A rectangular grid is created and clock distribution structures are assigned to the grid intersection points. Latches are then located around the clock distribution structures to minimize an overall distance for connections between the latches and respective clock distribution structures. The horizontal and vertical pitches of the grid may be independently adjusted to achieve a more uniform spread of the clock distribution structures.
A buffer insertion technique addresses slew constraints while minimizing buffer cost. The method builds initial solutions for the sinks, each having an associated cost, slew and capacitance. As a solution propagates toward a source, wire capacitance and wire slew are added to the solution. When a buffer is selected for possible insertion, the slew of the solution is set to zero while the cost of the solution is incremented based on the selected buffer and the capacitance is set to an intrinsic capacitance of the buffer. The solutions of two intersecting wire branches are merged by adding branch capacitances and costs, and selecting the highest branch slew. The solution sets are updated by disregarding solutions which have a slew component greater than a slew constraint, and any solution that is dominated by another solution is eliminated. The solution having the smallest cost is selected as the final solution.
A buffer insertion technique addresses slew constraints while minimizing buffer cost. The method builds initial solutions for the sinks, each having an associated cost, slew and capacitance. As a solution propagates toward a source, wire capacitance and wire slew arc added to the solution. When a buffer is selected for possible insertion, the slew of the solution is set to zero while the cost of the solution is incremented based on the selected buffer and the capacitance is set to an intrinsic capacitance of the buffer. The solutions of two intersecting wire branches are merged by adding branch capacitances and costs, and selecting the highest branch slew. The solution sets are updated by disregarding solutions which have a slew component greater than a slew constraint, and any solution that is dominated by another solution is eliminated. The solution having the smallest cost is selected as the final solution.
A method, system, and computer program product for solving a network traffic congestion problem are provided in the illustrative embodiments. Using an application executing using a processor and a memory in a data processing system, a congested network route section is selected from a set of congested network route sections. A set of congesting devices is selected, where the set of congesting devices causes congestion in the selected congested network route sections by using the selected congested network route section. A vacancy data structure corresponding to the selected congested network route section is populated. A subset of the set of the congesting devices is selected. The subset of the set of the congesting devices is rerouted to a candidate network route section identified in the vacancy data structure.
A method, system, and computer program product for improved routing using layer ranges in the design of an integrated circuit (IC) are provided in the illustrative embodiments. Using an application executing in a data processing system, a score is computed for a net in a set of nets routed using a set of layers in the design. The set of nets is sorted according to scores associated with nets in the set of nets. A layer range from a set of layer ranges is assigned to a net in the sorted list such that a net with a higher than threshold score is assigned a high layer range.
A method, system, and computer program product for solving a traffic congestion problem are provided in the illustrative embodiments. Using an application executing using a processor and a memory in a data processing system, a congested route section is selected from a set of congested route sections. A set of congesting vehicles is selected, where the set of congesting vehicles cause congestion in the selected congested route sections by being positioned on the selected congested route section. A vacancy data structure corresponding to the selected congested route section is populated. A subset of the set of the congesting vehicles is selected. The subset of the set of the congesting vehicles is rerouted to a candidate route section identified in the vacancy data structure.
A method, system, and computer program product for solving a congestion problem in an integrated circuit (IC) design are provided in the illustrative embodiments. A congested g-edge is selected from a set of congested g-edges. A set of congesting nets is selected, wherein the set of congesting nets cause congestion in the selected congested g-edges by crossing the selected congested g-edge. A vacancy data structure corresponding to the selected congested g-edge is populated. A subset of the set of the congesting nets is selected. The subset of the set of the congesting nets is rerouted to a candidate g-edge identified in the vacancy data structure.
A method, system, and computer program product for improved routing using layer ranges in the design of an integrated circuit (IC) are provided in the illustrative embodiments. Using an application executing in a data processing system, a score is computed for a net in a set of nets routed using a set of layers in the design. The set of nets is sorted according to scores associated with nets in the set of nets. A layer range from a set of layer ranges is assigned to a net in the sorted list such that a net with a higher than threshold score is assigned a high layer range.
A method, system, and computer program product for solving a traffic congestion problem are provided in the illustrative embodiments. Using an application executing using a processor and a memory in a data processing system, a congested route section is selected from a set of congested route sections. A set of congesting vehicles is selected, where the set of congesting vehicles cause congestion in the selected congested route sections by being positioned on the selected congested route section. A vacancy data structure corresponding to the selected congested route section is populated. A subset of the set of the congesting vehicles is selected. The subset of the set of the congesting vehicles is rerouted to a candidate route section identified in the vacancy data structure.
In congestion aware point-to-point routing using a random point in an integrated circuit (IC) design, the random point is selected in a bounding area defined in a layout of the IC design. A set of pattern routes is constructed between a source pin and a sink pin in the bounding area, a pattern route in the set of pattern routes passing through the random point. A set of congestion cost corresponding to the set of pattern routes is computed. A congestion cost in the set of congestion costs corresponds to a pattern route in the set of pattern routes. A preferred pattern route is selected from the set of pattern routes, the preferred pattern route having the smallest congestion cost in the set of congestion costs. The preferred pattern route is output as a point-to-point route between the source pin and the sink pin.