A logic design and synthesis program, method and system provides intelligibility and independence of separate blocks in digital logic designs at the synthesis level. The sequential and combinational logic are separated and the sequential logic is then mapped to flip-flop library components. State-retaining elements, i.e., flip-flops detected in the input hardware description language (HDL) are represented in the sequential logic HDL output. The combinational logic HDL and the sequential logic HDL are connected only by signals, so signals are introduced to represent the flip-flop signals and variables detected in the input HDL. The sequential and combinational logic HDL are then synthesized to produce the design.
A method, system and computer program product for modeling variables in subprograms of a HDL program. A subprogram is provided with an initial value of a variable of an element being modeled and the subprogram is stored in memory of a data processing system. In response to a subprogram call, a copy of the stored subprogram is provided to the requesting HDL program. During execution, the initial value of the variable in the provided copy of the subprogram may be modified by the HDL program, but the value retains unchanged in the stored subprogram.
A method of verifying a software system includes receiving a description of a software system described utilizing a high-level modeling language, and responsive thereto, parsing the description and constructing an abstract syntax graph. The abstract syntax graph is transformed into a sequential logic representation of the software system, and following the transforming, the software system is verified based upon the sequential logic representation. Following verification, results of verification of the software system are output.
Co-Optimization utilizing Symbolic Execution (COSE) works across components of an embedded design to optimize structures therein. COSE utilizes symbolic execution (SE) to analyze software components and defines a limited set of values that software feeds hardware as constraints. SE explores substantially all possible paths of execution of the code specifying a component. It accomplishes this by accumulating path conditions (PCs) and annotating them to the corresponding segments of the component. A PC is associated with a branch of code and consists of the conjunction of conditions over input and state variables necessary and sufficient for the branch to execute. These PCs define constraints that limit the set of values that software feeds hardware. These constraints are then propagated across the networks of the design and employ static analysis techniques such as constant propagation, redundancy removal, and don't care optimizations to reduce the hardware components.
Co-Optimization utilizing Symbolic Execution (COSE) works across components of an embedded design to optimize structures therein. COSE utilizes symbolic execution (SE) to analyze software components and defines a limited set of values that software feeds hardware as constraints. SE explores substantially all possible paths of execution of the code specifying a component. It accomplishes this by accumulating path conditions (PCs) and annotating them to the corresponding segments of the component. A PC is associated with a branch of code and consists of the conjunction of conditions over input and state variables necessary and sufficient for the branch to execute. These PCs define constraints that limit the set of values that software feeds hardware. These constraints are then propagated across the networks of the design and employ static analysis techniques such as constant propagation, redundancy removal, and don't care optimizations to reduce the hardware components.
A method of verifying a software system includes receiving a description of a software system described utilizing a high-level modeling language, and responsive thereto, parsing the description and constructing an abstract syntax graph. The abstract syntax graph is transformed into a sequential logic representation of the software system. The sequential logic representation is formed by reference to a Hardware Description Language (HDL) library. Then, the sequential logic representation is transformed into a gate-level sequential logic representation. Following the transforming, the software system is verified based upon the gate-level sequential logic representation. Following verification, results of verification of the software system are output.
A method, system and computer program product for performing testing and verification is disclosed. The method includes converting a bias data specification to a driver specification. The driver specification is then parsed into a base constraint and bias file, wherein the base constraint and bias file is suitable for conversion into one of a set comprising a netlist representation and a random simulation representation. A verification framework is selected from among a set comprising a random verification framework using the random simulation representation and a synthesized verification framework using the netlist representation. In response to selecting the random verification framework using the random simulation representation, the random simulation representation is compiled into a parameter database. In response to selecting the synthesized verification framework using the netlist representation, the netlist representation is compiled into a synthesized model. A property of at least one of a set of the synthesized model and the parameter database is tested and verified.