Method and system for motion segmentation





    申请人: Axis AB

    摘要: The present disclosure relates to a method of motion segmentation (100) in a video stream. The method comprises the steps of: acquiring (101) a sequence of image frames; dividing (102) a first frame (401) into a plurality of image blocks (403); comparing (103) each image block (403) against a corresponding reference image block (404) and providing a measure of dissimilarity; for image blocks having a measure of dissimilarity less than a threshold: discarding (104a) the image blocks, and for image blocks having a measure of dissimilarity greater than the threshold: keeping (104b) the image blocks and further dividing the image blocks into a new plurality of image blocks (405); repeating the steps of dividing (102) and comparing (103) until a stop condition is met (105a); generating (106) a motion mask (407) indicating areas of movement (408).






    申请人: Axis AB

    IPC分类号: G06T1/00 H04N19/50

    摘要: A method of signing prediction-coded video data, comprising: obtaining a coded video sequence including at least one I-frame (I), which contains independently decodable image data, and at least one predicted frame (P1, P2, P3, P4), which contains image data decodable by reference to at least one other frame; generating a fingerprint (HI) of each I-frame; generating a fingerprint (HP) of each predicted frame by hashing a combination of data derived from the predicted frame and data derived from an I-frame to which the predicted frame refers directly or indirectly, wherein the fingerprint of the predicted frame is independent of any further predicted frame to which the predicted frame refers directly or indirectly; and providing a signature of the video sequence including the generated fingerprints.

    Method and a monitoring camera





    申请人: Axis AB

    摘要: The present disclosure relates to a method performed by a first monitoring camera (101) for handling startup. The first monitoring camera (101) detects that a power supply state of has changed from off to on. The first monitoring camera (101) initiates startup of a first part (103a) when the power supply state is on. When the startup is complete, the first monitoring camera (101) determines if its first startup priority is higher than, lower than or the same as a second startup priority of a second monitoring camera (110). The first monitoring camera (101) initiates startup of its second part (105a) if the first startup priority is higher or the same as the second startup priority. If the first startup priority is lower than the second startup priority, the first monitoring camera (101) delays startup of its second part (105a) until startup instructions have been received.

    Method and system for producing streams of image frames





    申请人: Axis AB

    摘要: Methods, systems and computer program products, for producing streams of image frames. Image frames in streaming video are segmented into background segments and instance segments. A background image frame containing the background segments is created. At least some of the instance segments are classified into movable objects of interest and movable objects of non-interest. During a background update time period, the background image frame is updated when a movable object of non-interest has moved to reveal a background area, to include the revealed background area in the background image frame. A foreground image containing the movable objects of interest is created. Blocks of pixels of the updated background and foreground image frames are encoded. A stream of encoded foreground image frames having a first frame rate is produced. A stream of encoded updated background image frames a second, lower frame rate is produced.

    Video compression stream





    申请人: Axis AB

    IPC分类号: G08B13/196 H04N5/232 G06T5/00

    摘要: The present disclosure relates to a method performed by a background blurring system (1) for provision of a video compression stream from a video camera (2) adapted for capturing a scene. The background blurring system identifies (1001) in a first image of the scene, at a first point in time, at least a first pixel comprised in a background of the first image. The background blurring system further determines (1002) a blurred pixel value for the at least first pixel. Moreover, the background blurring system provides (1003), subsequent the first point in time, the blurred pixel value in the video compression stream. The background blurring system furthermore identifies (1004) in a second image of the scene, at a subsequent second point in time, that the at least first pixel has altered to be comprised in a foreground of the second image. Moreover, the background blurring system provides (1005) in the video compression stream, subsequent the second point in time—continuously and/or intermittently—identified non-blurred pixel values for the at least first pixel. The background blurring system further identifies (1006) in a third image of the scene, at a subsequent third point in time, that the at least first pixel has altered to be comprised in a background of the third image, wherein a value of the at least first pixel has remained unchanged from an intermediate point in time up to the third point in time. Furthermore, when the third point in time is within a predeterminable background merge time period from the intermediate point in time, the background blurring system provides (1007), subsequent the third point in time, the blurred pixel value in the video compression stream.
    The disclosure also relates to a background blurring system in accordance with the foregoing, a video camera comprising such a background blurring system, and a respective corresponding computer program product and non-volatile computer readable storage medium.

    Dome for surveillance camera





    申请人: Axis AB

    IPC分类号: H04N5/225 G08B13/196

    摘要: A dome for a surveillance camera comprises an at least partially transparent spherical portion, a front transition portion, a back transition portion, and lateral transition portions. All transition portions extend to a perimeter plane and a tangent to the spherical portion where it connects to the front transition portion has an angle α relative to a normal to the perimeter plane, as measured in a symmetry plane, and a tangent to the spherical portion where it connects to the back transition portion has an angle β relative to a normal to the perimeter plane, as measured in the same plane and the same direction as the angle α. The angle β is equal to or larger than the angle α.

    Arrangement for assessing ambient light in a video camera





    申请人: Axis AB

    IPC分类号: H04N5/232 G01J1/42

    摘要: An arrangement for determining an amount of light reaching an image sensor of a video camera, the video camera comprising an imaging lens system guiding a beam path towards an image sensor, wherein the arrangement comprises a transparent probing element through which the beam path passes on its way to the image sensor, and a light sensor arranged in an end of the transparent probing element. The light sensor is arranged to collect light being scattered or reflected in the transparent probing element.

    Method for displaying a video stream of a scene





    申请人: Axis AB

    发明人: Vladimir Karadzic

    摘要: A method for displaying a video stream of a scene captured by a monitoring camera on a display of a remote client device comprises receiving, at the client device, the video stream and information indicating an on/off status for an IR-illuminator illuminating the scene; setting a display setting of the display differently based on upon the on/off status for the IR-illuminator; and displaying the video stream on the display using the display setting. The client device comprises a display, a receiver which receives a video stream from the monitoring camera, and a control circuit. The control circuit executes an IR-illuminator status function to extract information indicating on/off status for the IR-illuminator illuminating the scene, a display setting function of the display differently upon the on/off status for the IR-illuminator, and a displaying function displays the video stream on the display using the setting set by the display setting function.