Ejector-Less Vacuum Creation Pump Using Suction
    Ejector-Less Vacuum Creation Pump Using Suction 审中-公开





    CPC classification number: F04D9/04 F04D9/041

    Abstract: Improvements in an ejector-less vacuum creation pump using suction from a low vibration and noise Eddy pump to create vacuum from the suction side of the pump volute where a liquid tornado effect feeds into an Eddy current effect located in the tornado center. Low heat is transferred to the fluid used to create the vacuum. The piping provides a fully open looped system, enabling self-priming of the pump where 2″ solid objects can pass thru the pump without clogging or plugging the pump. Fluid can be pumped in any direction with up to a 4 psi head pressure using the pump as a dedicated discharge pump and for quicker discharging of a VCHT tank at increased head pressures. This pump implement continuous vacuum creation, maintaining 18 Hg with a vacuum release valve to prevent build-up of urine crystals and other pipe clogging issues.

    Abstract translation: 使用来自低振动和噪声涡流泵的抽吸器,在无喷射器真空产生泵中的改进,从泵涡流的吸入侧产生真空,其中液体龙卷风效应进入位于龙卷风中心的涡流效应。 低热转移到用于产生真空的流体。 管道提供了一个完全开环的系统,可以自动启动泵,其中2“固体物体可以通过泵而不堵塞或堵塞泵。 流体可以使用泵作为专用排放泵,以任何方向泵送高达4 psi的头部压力,并在增加的头部压力下更快地排放VCHT罐。 该泵实现连续真空创建,用真空释放阀保持18 Hg,防止尿液晶体的积聚和其他管道堵塞问题。

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