An apparatus for agitating materials contained in tubes, including cellular materials and tissues, to release their contents for scientific analysis. The apparatus includes a control enclosure containing a base and a motor, and an interchangeable module that connects to the motor. The interchangeable module includes a tube supporting structure and a rotatable hub connected to one or more strikers positioned to impact the tubes, resulting in agitation of tube contents. Interchangeable modules allow for different shapes and sizes of tubes to be used with a single control enclosure. The apparatus includes a means to measure the rotational velocity of the rotatable hub and the rotational velocity of the strikers. The apparatus further includes protective sleeves for the tubes to prevent breakage, heat build-up from friction and tube caps opening due to rapid impact from strikers.
An apparatus for agitating materials contained in tubes, including cellular materials and tissues, to release their contents for scientific analysis. The apparatus includes a control enclosure containing a base and a motor, and an interchangeable module that connects to the motor. The interchangeable module includes a tube supporting structure and a rotatable hub connected to one or more strikers positioned to impact the tubes, resulting in agitation of tube contents. Interchangeable modules allow for different shapes and sizes of tubes to be used with a single control enclosure. The apparatus includes a means to measure the rotational velocity of the rotatable hub and a method for using the speed to determine the number of tubes in the apparatus, or the mass or volume of samples contained in tubes. The method accordingly adjusts the rotational velocity of the strikers allowing the tubes to receive consistent agitation independent of the number of tubes in the apparatus or mass or volume of samples within said tubes. The apparatus further includes protective sleeves for the tubes to prevent breakage, heat build-up from friction and tube caps opening due to rapid impact from strikers.