System and method for facilitating open item clearance
    System and method for facilitating open item clearance 有权





    CPC classification number: G06Q40/02 G06Q20/102 G06Q40/00 G06Q40/12

    Abstract: Systems and methods are disclosed for assisting a user in clearing payments against vouchers in a financial system. A payment requiring user attention may be displayed to the user in an interface of the financial system. The financial system may automatically suggest at least one voucher to balance the payment. The user may also select at least one voucher to balance the payment from a plurality of available vouchers. If the difference between the payment and the combined total of the selected vouchers equals zero, the financial system may allow the user to clear the payment against the selected vouchers. If the system-suggested vouchers are not the ones the user would choose for clearing the payment, the financial system may allow the user to select vouchers to clear the payment.

    Abstract translation: 公开了系统和方法,以帮助用户清算金融系统中的凭证的付款。 可以在金融系统的界面中向用户显示需要用户关注的支付。 金融系统可以自动建议至少一张凭证来平衡付款。 用户还可以选择至少一个凭单来平衡来自多个可用代金券的支付。 如果付款与所选凭证的合并总额之间的差额等于零,则金融系统可允许用户根据选定的凭证清算付款。 如果系统建议的凭单不是用户选择用于清算付款的凭证,则金融系统可能允许用户选择凭单来清算付款。

    Computer systems, methods and programs for providing uniform access to configurable objects derived from disparate sources
    Computer systems, methods and programs for providing uniform access to configurable objects derived from disparate sources 有权





    CPC classification number: G06F9/4488 Y10S707/99944

    Abstract: Embodiments of the present invention relate to computer systems, methods and programs for storing a set of data obtained from a data source, the set of data comprising a set of attribute or field names and respective attribute or field values. The computer system may comprise means for storing object type definitions, each object type definition comprising an object type name and at least a set of defining characteristics and a set of role names, and means for storing role definitions, each role definition comprising a role name and at least a set of controlling characteristics. Further, the computer system may include means for storing a list of prioritized finding rules, each finding rule comprising a condition for application to values of the set of data and one of the object types that is returned when the condition is fulfilled, means for storing objects that are instances of the object types, and means for storing mass data referring to objects; and a set of inbound interfaces.

    Abstract translation: 本发明的实施例涉及用于存储从数据源获得的一组数据的计算机系统,方法和程序,该组数据包括一组属性或字段名称以及相应的属性或字段值。 计算机系统可以包括用于存储对象类型定义的装置,每个对象类型定义包括对象类型名称和至少一组定义特征和一组角色名称,以及用于存储角色定义的装置,每个角色定义包括角色名称 和至少一组控制特性。 此外,计算机系统可以包括用于存储优先查找规则的列表的装置,每个查找规则包括用于应用于数据集合的值的条件和满足条件时返回的对象类型之一的装置,用于存储 作为对象类型的实例的对象,以及用于存储引用对象的大量数据的装置; 和一组入站接口。

    System and method for facilitating open item clearance
    System and method for facilitating open item clearance 有权





    CPC classification number: G06Q40/02 G06Q20/102 G06Q40/00 G06Q40/12

    Abstract: Systems and methods are disclosed for assisting a user in clearing payments against vouchers in a financial system. A payment requiring user attention may be displayed to the user in an interface of the financial system. The financial system may automatically suggest at least one voucher to balance the payment. The user may also select at least one voucher to balance the payment from a plurality of available vouchers. If the difference between the payment and the combined total of the selected vouchers equals zero, the financial system may allow the user to clear the payment against the selected vouchers. If the system-suggested vouchers are not the ones the user would choose for clearing the payment, the financial system may allow the user to select vouchers to clear the payment.

    Abstract translation: 公开了系统和方法,以帮助用户清算金融系统中的凭证的付款。 可以在金融系统的界面中向用户显示需要用户关注的支付。 金融系统可以自动建议至少一张凭证来平衡付款。 用户还可以选择至少一个凭单来平衡来自多个可用代金券的支付。 如果付款与所选凭证的合并总额之间的差额等于零,则金融系统可允许用户根据选定的凭证清算付款。 如果系统建议的凭单不是用户选择用于清算付款的凭证,则金融系统可能允许用户选择凭单来清算付款。

    Computer systems and methods for performing a database access to generate database tables based on structural information corresonding to database objects
    Computer systems and methods for performing a database access to generate database tables based on structural information corresonding to database objects 有权





    CPC classification number: G06F17/30731 G06F17/30 G06F17/30607

    Abstract: Systems and methods are provided for performing a database access. In one embodiment, a computer system is provided that comprises means for receiving and storing structural information, the structural information being descriptive of a number of objects, each of the objects having sub-objects, the structural information comprising a first table and a second table for each sub-object, the first and second table including descriptive information for each sub-object, means for assigning a unique identifier to each sub-object name identified by the structural information, means for storing a mapping table of sub-object names and unique identifiers, and means for requesting generation of a database table for each sub-object identified by the structural information.

    Abstract translation: 提供了用于执行数据库访问的系统和方法。 在一个实施例中,提供了一种计算机系统,其包括用于接收和存储结构信息的装置,所述结构信息描述多个对象,每个对象具有子对象,所述结构信息包括第一表和第二表 对于每个子对象,包括每个子对象的描述信息的第一和第二表,用于向由结构信息识别的每个子对象名称分配唯一标识符的装置,用于存储子对象名称的映射表的装置,以及 唯一标识符和用于请求为由结构信息识别的每个子对象生成数据库表的装置。

    Architectural design for manual invoicing application software
    Architectural design for manual invoicing application software 有权





    Abstract: Methods, systems, and apparatus, including computer program products, for implementing a software architecture design for a software application implementing manual invoicing. The application is structured as multiple process components interacting with each other through service interfaces, and multiple service operations, each being implemented for a respective process component. The process components include a Customer Invoice Processing process component, a Due Item Processing process component, a Payment Processing process component, an Accounting process component, a Project Processing process component, and a Balance of Foreign Payment Management process component.

    Abstract translation: 方法,系统和装置,包括计算机程序产品,用于实施用于实施手动发票的软件应用的软件架构设计。 应用程序被构造为通过服务接口彼此交互的多个进程组件,以及针对相应进程组件实现的多个服务操作。 过程组件包括客户发票处理过程组件,到期项目处理过程组件,支付处理过程组件,会计过程组件,项目处理过程组件和外部支付管理平衡流程组件。

    Method for the automatic integrated filing of records during recording of business events
    Method for the automatic integrated filing of records during recording of business events 有权





    CPC classification number: G06Q10/06 G06Q10/10 G06Q20/20 G06Q40/12

    Abstract: Methods and systems are provided for automatically filing records concerning business events in a computer system so that the records are accessible to a business application. An identification code is assigned to a business event having a data structure that is represented in the computer system. At least one set of input data, which is provided with a structure specific to a class of business events, is created from data concerning a business event. The at least one set of input data is transformed into a set of output data, which is accessible by at least two business applications. The set of output data is stored with the assigned identification code such that the set of output data can be fully or partly read by the at least two business applications by referring to the identification code.

    Abstract translation: 提供了方法和系统,用于自动归档关于计算机系统中的业务事件的记录,以便业务应用程序访问记录。 将识别码分配给具有在计算机系统中表示的数据结构的业务事件。 至少有一组输入数据被提供有特定于一类业务事件的结构,这些数据是从关于业务事件的数据创建的。 至少一组输入数据被转换成一组输出数据,其可由至少两个业务应用访问。 输出数据集合被存储有分配的识别代码,使得该组输出数据可以由至少两个业务应用程序通过参考识别码来完全或部分地读取。

    Computer systems and methods for performing a database access
    Computer systems and methods for performing a database access 有权





    CPC classification number: G06F17/30731 G06F17/30 G06F17/30607

    Abstract: Computer systems and methods are provided for performing a database access. In one embodiment, a computer system is provided that comprises means for receiving and storing structural information, the structural information being descriptive of a number of objects, each of the objects having sub-objects, the structural information comprising a first table for each sub-object, each first table being identified by the sub-object name of its assigned sub-object, each first table comprising technical field names of fields of its assigned sub-object, and a second table for each sub-object, each second table being identified by the sub-object name of its assigned sub-object and comprising a sub-object name and a technical field name of one of the sub-objects from which its assigned sub-object depends for each of the technical field names of its assigned sub-object. In addition, the computer system may comprise means for assigning a unique identifier to each sub-object name identified by the structural information, means for storing a mapping table of sub-object names and unique identifiers, and means for requesting generation of a database table for each sub-object identified by the structural information, the database table of one of the sub-objects being identified by the unique identifier of the one sub-object and the database table of the one sub-object having the technical field names of the one sub-object.

    Abstract translation: 提供了用于执行数据库访问的计算机系统和方法。 在一个实施例中,提供了一种计算机系统,其包括用于接收和存储结构信息的装置,所述结构信息描述多个对象,每个对象具有子对象,所述结构信息包括用于每个子对象的第一表, 对象,每个第一表由其分配的子对象的子对象名称标识,每个第一表包括其分配的子对象的字段的技术字段名称,以及用于每个子对象的第二表,每个第二表是 由其分配的子对象的子对象名称标识,并且包括其分配的子对象的子对象名称和子对象之一的技术字段名称,从而从其分配的子对象的每个技术字段名称 子对象。 此外,计算机系统可以包括用于向由结构信息识别的每个子对象名称分配唯一标识符的装置,用于存储子对象名称和唯一标识符的映射表的装置,以及用于请求生成数据库表的装置 对于由结构信息识别的每个子对象,由一个子对象的唯一标识符标识的一个子对象的数据库表和具有技术字段名称的一个子对象的数据库表 一个子对象。

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