This invention relates to the monitoring and diagnosing of nuclear power plants for its thermal performance using the NCV Method. Its applicability comprises any nuclear reactor such as used for research producing a useful output. Its greatest applicability lies with conventional Pressurized Water Reactor and Boiling Water Reactor nuclear plants generating an electric power. Its teachings of treating fission as an inertial process, a phenomena which is self-contained following incident neutron capture, allows the determination of an absolute neutron flux. This process is best treated by Second Law principles producing a total fission exergy. This invention also applies to the design of fusion thermal systems regards the determination of its Second Law viability and absolute plasma flux.
This invention relates to a method and apparatus comprising an illumination system which produces a light pattern ahead of the turbine blades which disrupts a bird's flight pattern and thus reduces and/or prevents the bird's impact on turbine blades.
This invention relates to the monitoring and diagnosing of nuclear power plants for its thermal performance using the NCV Method. Its applicability comprises any nuclear reactor such as used for research, gas-cooled and liquid metal cooled systems, fast neutron systems, and the like; all producing a useful output. Its greatest applicability lies with conventional Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) and Boiling Water Reactor (BWR) nuclear power plants generating an electric power. Its teachings of treating fission as an inertial process, a phenomena which is self-contained following incident neutron capture, allows the determination of an absolute neutron flux. This process is best treated by Second Law principles producing a total fission exergy. This invention also applies to the design of a fusion thermal system regards the determination of its Second Law viability and absolute plasma flux.