A simple and effective control method is disclosed for starting and stopping a vehicle's engine and automatic lighting of position lamps to show the vehicle's location. The method uses brake and gear shift lever of the vehicle to generate selection signals, and a button switch can be pressed to stop or start the engine of the vehicle according to the selection signals, which can provide vehicle drivers a simple and secure way to control their vehicles while waiting at a stoplight.
A simple and effective control method is disclosed for starting and stopping a vehicle's engine and automatic lighting of position lamps to show the vehicle's location. The method uses brake and gear shift lever of the vehicle to generate selection signals, and a button switch can be pressed to stop or start the engine of the vehicle according to the selection signals, which can provide vehicle drivers a simple and secure way to control their vehicles while waiting at a stoplight.
A simple and effective control method is disclosed for starting and stopping the engine of a vehicle during an idling stop of the vehicle, wherein an integration controller can be used to achieve those purposes. In particular, a useful control method is disclosed for stopping and restarting engine while vehicles wait for stoplight. It is using equipment, such as two brake levers, to interact with a start-button, wherein electrical signals generated from the operation of the equipment are divided into two different groups of control signals to achieve the operation control of the engine starting or stopping when the start button is pressed. By using the method of present invention, a vehicle driver driving on the road can have a simple and secure operation method to stop or start the engine of the vehicle during an idling stop of the vehicle.
A simple and effective control method is disclosed for starting and stopping vehicles engine and automatic lighting of position lamps to show the vehicles location, wherein an integration controller can be used to achieve those purpose. In particular, a useful control method is disclosed for stopping and restarting engine while vehicles waits for stoplight. It is using equipment, such as two brake levers, to interact with a start-button, and electric signal sources are divided into two different groups of electrical control signals to achieve the operation control of the engine starting or stopping. Vehicle driver driving on the road can have a simple and secure operation method to control vehicles when waiting. In addition, automatically detects the vehicle's ambient luminance intensity in a dim ambient luminance place, and it will automatically light the vehicle position lamps to show the vehicle's location, providing safety in dim conditions.