Apparatus and method for operating a portable xenon arc searchlight
    Apparatus and method for operating a portable xenon arc searchlight 失效





    IPC分类号: F21L700

    摘要: A xenon arc search lamp has a lamp beam focused by relative movement of a reflector by advancing or retracting it along its optical axis of symmetry on which the lamp is aligned. The battery and lamp assemblies are field replaceable without tools. The beam output is usable with a combination of filters to allow the most varied intensity and wavelengths for a particular application, such as smoke filled environments, infrared illuminations and underwater illuminations. The xenon arc lamp is oriented within the searchlight with respect to the reflector to provide the most uniform field of illumination on which the lamp is capable, namely with the anode of the lamp turned away from the forward beam direction in the reflector.

    摘要翻译: 氙弧搜索灯具有通过反射器的相对运动聚焦的灯光束,其沿着其对准的对准光轴线前进或后退。 电池和灯组件可现场更换,无需工具。 光束输出可用于过滤器的组合,以允许针对特定应用(例如烟雾填充的环境,红外照明和水下照明)的最大变化的强度和波长。 氙弧灯相对于反射器被定向在探照灯内,以提供最均匀的照明领域,其中灯可以在其上,即灯的阳极在反射器中远离前向光束方向。

    Apparatus and method for operating a portable xenon arc searchlight
    Apparatus and method for operating a portable xenon arc searchlight 失效





    发明人: George Pelling

    摘要: A xenon arc searchlight or illumination system incorporates a quick change release and assembly so that the lamp, reflector and battery assemblies are easily field replaceable without tools. The lamp, ballast, battery and charger are provided in a single rugged package which can be sealed for field use. The searchlight is combined by an appropriate mounting adaptable with other optical detector devices such as cameras, binoculars and night vision telescopes. The beam output is similarly usable with a combination of filters to allow the most varied intensity and wavelengths for a particular application, such as smoke filled environments, surveillance employing near-infrared or infrared illumination, ultraviolet, underwater illumination or illumination with any color in the visible range.

    摘要翻译: 氙弧探照灯或照明系统包含快速更换和组装,以便灯,反射器和电池组件在没有工具的情况下便于现场更换。 灯,镇流器,电池和充电器提供在一个坚固的包装,可以密封现场使用。 探照灯通过适当的安装结合,适用于其他光学检测器设备,如相机,双筒望远镜和夜视望远镜。 光束输出类似地可用于滤光器的组合,以允许特定应用的最差变化的强度和波长,例如充满烟的环境,使用近红外或红外照明的监视,紫外线,水下照明或具有任何颜色的照明 可见范围。

    Apparatus and method for operating a portable xenon arc searchlight
    Apparatus and method for operating a portable xenon arc searchlight 失效





    发明人: George Pelling

    摘要: A xenon arc searchlight incorporates a high frequency/high efficiency electronic circuit that allows lamp ballasting and charging of the system battery to occur over a wide range of external DC power supplies. The xenon arc searchlight has a converter circuit coupled to both the battery, the ballasting circuit and the arc lamp for converting DC voltage from the battery to pulse width modulated switched current to the arc lamp in which the DC voltage is switched by parallel switching transistors. The ballisting circuit is controllable by a switch to vary current supplied to the converter circuit and hence intensity of the lamp which discrete steps in intensity of the lamp are not visually perceptibly different between one step to a next step in the sequence of steps of the current to the lamp. The lamp, ballast, battery and charger are provided in a single rugged package.

    摘要翻译: 氙气电弧探照灯采用高频/高效率电子电路,可以在各种外部直流电源上进行灯泡镇流和充电系统电池的充电。 氙弧探照灯具有耦合到电池,镇流电路和弧光灯的转换器电路,用于将来自电池的直流电压转换为脉宽调制开关电流至通过并联开关晶体管切换直流电压的电弧灯。 该弹跳电路由一个开关控制,以改变提供给转换器电路的电流,因此改变灯的强度,其中灯的强度的不同步骤在目前的步骤序列中的一个步骤与下一个步骤之间视觉上不可视地不同 到灯 灯具,镇流器,电池和充电器都提供在一个坚固的包装中。