In an implementation, conversion of K-only data from a source CMYK color space to a destination CMYK color space is managed. The destination CMYK color space is transformed to a virtual RGB color space, in which a neutral axis of the virtual RGB color space is set to be mapped to destination K-only output colors in a color separation table for mapping of source K-only grays to destination K-only grays. The source CMYK color space is converted to a device independent color space and the conversion is adjusted such that the source K-only grays are forced to have the same chrominance as the neutral axis of the virtual RGB color space in the color separation table. The LUT is generated to include a K-only mapping by combining the virtual RGB color space with the adjusted conversion of the source K-only grays.
Disclosed are embodiments of a system and method for rendering colors between color devices. The method includes establishing a source color gamut for a source device and the source color gamut has a white point, a black point, and primary points. The method also includes establishing a destination color gamut for a destination device, and the destination color gamut has a white point, a black point, and primary points. White and black point adaptation is performed to adapt the white and black points of the source color gamut to the white and black points of the destination color gamut, respectively. Neutral points from the source color gamut are processed to the destination color gamut without applying gamut mapping. Aimed primary points are determined from the adapted white and black points and from the source and destination primary points, the destination gamut, and color preference. Colors on the source gamut surface are mapped to the aimed gamut surface by geometrically reshaping a combination of the source primary points and the adapted white and black points to a combination of aimed primary points and the adapted white and black points. Points on each plane connected by the white and black points and a primary are then processed. Finally, the remaining interior points of the source gamut are processed by interpolation.
In an implementation, conversion of K-only data from a source CMYK color space to a destination CMYK color space is managed. The destination CMYK color space is transformed to a virtual RGB color space, in which a neutral axis of the virtual RGB color space is set to be mapped to destination K-only output colors in a color separation table for mapping of source K-only grays to destination K-only grays. The source CMYK color space is converted to a device independent color space and the conversion is adjusted such that the source K-only grays are forced to have the same chrominance as the neutral axis of the virtual RGB color space in the color separation table. The LUT is generated to include a K-only mapping by combining the virtual RGB color space with the adjusted conversion of the source K-only grays.
Disclosed are embodiments of a system and method for rendering colors between color devices. The method includes establishing a source color gamut for a source device and the source color gamut has a white point, a black point, and primary points. The method also includes establishing a destination color gamut for a destination device, and the destination color gamut has a white point, a black point, and primary points. White and black point adaptation is performed to adapt the white and black points of the source color gamut to the white and black points of the destination color gamut, respectively. Neutral points from the source color gamut are processed to the destination color gamut without gamut mapping. Aimed primary points are determined from the adapted white and black points and from the source and destination primary points, the destination gamut, and color preference. Important lines are mapped from the source gamut to the destination gamut using the aimed primary points. Gamut surface points are mapped from the source gamut to the destination gamut using the important lines. Interior points of the source gamut surface are processed.
A linearization data structure is generated for a pen, in view of another pen, for conforming output intensities of the pen to output intensities of the other pen.
A preferred skin tone region is determined within a luminance-chrominance color space for each of a plurality of luminance values. Additional preferred skin tone regions are determined by interpolation in view of the initially determined preferred skin tone regions. An ellipsoid skin-color model is generated in the luminance-chrominance color space based on the preferred skin tone regions. The ellipsoid skin-color is used to detect a skin color pixel in an image and adjust one or more color values for the skin color pixel.
A color space conversion technique uses a set of control lines in a first color space. Each control line includes several control points having predetermined values in a second color space. A planar region is identified among the set of control lines in the first color space. The planar region contains a number of target points that are to be interpolated from the first color space to the second color space. The planar region is partitioned into at least a first area and a quadrangular area. Target points in the quadrangular area correspond to a different set of colorants from the second color space than target points in the first area. A quadrangular interpolation is applied to the target points in the quadrangular area to determine corresponding values in the second color space based at least in part on the predetermined values of control points bounding the quadrangular area.
An open color management system allows any of a plurality of input color devices to share data with any of a plurality of output color devices. The color management system includes a networked connection space for input and output device communication, an input color profile for each input device, an output color profile for each output device, and an open color manager which links a given input device with a selected output device. When linking devices, an input color space dataset having black plus multiple color channels is parsed with the input and output color profiles at a job time to create an output color space dataset having black plus multiple color channels for imaging by the output device without degrading color accuracy while preserving black channel information. A method for open color management and an open color manager for use in an open color management system are also provided.
A system and method are provided for color processing. According to one embodiment, the method includes the steps of defining a composite color space in a memory of a computer system, the composite color space having a number of color space portions and a number of transition portions between adjacent ones of the color space portions, and, converting an input color space representation of a color into a composite color space representation of the color in the computer system. The method may further comprise the step of gamut mapping the color in the composite color space to an output color space.
Among various embodiments of the present disclosure, color calibration can be performed on a printing apparatus by using a preconfigured color map coded to reduce a color difference of a selected reference color sample relative to a color standard, where the selected reference color sample substantially matches a first test color sample printed by the printing apparatus. Installing the preconfigured color map can enable recalibrating the printing apparatus to use the preconfigured color map in adjusting an amount of a number of colorants utilized in printing a second test color sample to reduce the number of color differences of the second test color sample relative to the color standard.