An apparatus has power semiconductor modules, which are connected to one another via connection devices so as to form a series circuit. A short-circuiting device for short-circuiting the respective power semiconductor module is assigned to each power semiconductor module. The apparatus has a reliable and at the same time cost-effective short-circuiting device. It is proposed that the short-circuiting device is a pyrotechnical/mechanical element, which has a detonation charge and a tripping device, which can be displaced by the detonation charge.
A device for grounding electrical components arranged in a chain has a grounding point at ground potential and an actuation device connected to the grounding point for connecting the electrical components to the grounding point. In order to provide such a device, with which a simple, safe, and durable grounding is obtained, the actuation device is constructed as a moving part extending in a longitudinal direction and movable in a longitudinal direction. The moving part has an electrically conducting grounding section connected to the grounding point and an electrically nonconducting insulating section arranged on the end of the moving part facing away from the grounding point.
A device for grounding electrical components arranged in a chain has a grounding point at ground potential and an actuation device connected to the grounding point for connecting the electrical components to the grounding point. In order to provide such a device, with which a simple, safe, and durable grounding is obtained, the actuation device is constructed as a moving part extending in a longitudinal direction and movable in a longitudinal direction. The moving part has an electrically conducting grounding section connected to the grounding point and an electrically nonconducting insulating section arranged on the end of the moving part facing away from the grounding point.
An apparatus has power semiconductor modules, which are connected to one another via connection devices so as to form a series circuit. A short-circuiting device for short-circuiting the respective power semiconductor module is assigned to each power semiconductor module. The apparatus has a reliable and at the same time cost-effective short-circuiting device. It is proposed that the short-circuiting device is a pyrotechnical/mechanical element, which has a detonation charge and a tripping device, which can be displaced by the detonation charge.