A graduated multiple collector structure for inverted vertical bipolar transistors, integrated injection logic devices and the like. The invention increases the gain of more distant collectors toward which current flows laterally past intervening collectors from a base contact, and injector or the like. The series resistance drop and the current loss in the base-emitter junction are compensated for by progressively increasing the effective area of collectors further distant from the source of the base current. Although the graduated collector structure is applicable to a wide variety of semiconductor devices, it is particularly well suited for use in oxide-isolated integrated injection logic gates. A mathematical model is provided which can help to optimize designs incorporating the graduated collector structure.
An arithmetic logic register stack device is provided on a single semiconductor chip, which device comprises a building block for digital systems. The device of this invention is expandable, which enables performing operations with binary numbers greater than that with which a single device is capable of performing. Unique circuit design is provided for multiple use of connector pins to the semiconductor device, thereby allowing for an increase in the complexity of the circuits that can be integrated onto a single semiconductor chip or placed into a package with a given number of pins.