A fast method of estimating capacitances and wire delays in an integrated circuit design is based on placement information such as that contained in a gate schematic net list from a logic synthesis tool. A simple tree topology called a spine tree is constructed to connect the pins of the net as an approximation of actual connections therein. Capacitance is extracted for this topology assuming a worst case scenario, and Elmore delays are computed for the wire delays based on the worst-case capacitances. The method takes linear time as a function of the number of pins in the net and is much faster than using a Steiner tree method in this context.
A strategy for optimal buffering in the case of an infinitely long wire buffered with an arbitrary number of equally spaced single-size buffers is presented. A simple but efficient technique is proposed using this to choose a buffer size and determine a good inter-buffering distance up front, thus enabling fast, efficient buffer insertion. The analysis also allows representing delays of long wires as a simple function of the length and buffer and wire widths. Based on this, a novel constant wire delay approach is proposed where the proposed wire delay model is used for fairly accurate prediction of wire delays early in the design process and these predictions are later met via buffer insertion and wire sizing.