Method and system for adaptive coding and modulation (ACM) for supporting mesh network connectivity for multipoint networks
    Method and system for adaptive coding and modulation (ACM) for supporting mesh network connectivity for multipoint networks 有权





    Abstract: A method of provisioning a communications link between remote terminals within a hub-spoke network comprising receiving, by a first remote terminal, information about a second remote terminal from a hub, selecting, by the first remote terminal, a modulation factor, coding rate, symbol rate, center frequency, and power level based on the information received about the second remote terminal, transmitting, by the first remote terminal, a signal using at least one of the selected modulation factor, coding rate, symbol rate, center frequency, and power level, to the second remote terminal such that a communications link is created, and adjusting the modulation factor, coding rate, symbol rate, center frequency, or power level of the transmitted signal such that performance of the link is increased while maintaining a presence of the link.

    Abstract translation: 一种提供集线器辐射网络内的远程终端之间的通信链路的方法,包括由第一远程终端从集线器接收关于第二远程终端的信息,由第一远程终端选择调制因子,编码率, 基于接收到的关于第二远程终端的信息的符号率,中心频率和功率电平,由第一远程终端使用所选择的调制因子,编码率,符号率,中心频率和 功率电平到第二远程终端,使得创建通信链路,并且调整发送信号的调制因子,编码率,符号率,中心频率或功率电平,使得链路的性能在维持存在的同时增加 的链接。

    Method and System for Adaptive Coding and Modulation (ACM) for Supporting Mesh Network Connectivity for Multipoint Networks
    Method and System for Adaptive Coding and Modulation (ACM) for Supporting Mesh Network Connectivity for Multipoint Networks 有权





    Abstract: A method of provisioning a communications link between remote terminals within a hub-spoke network comprising receiving, by a first remote terminal, information about a second remote terminal from a hub, selecting, by the first remote terminal, a modulation factor, coding rate, symbol rate, center frequency, and power level based on the information received about the second remote terminal, transmitting, by the first remote terminal, a signal using at least one of the selected modulation factor, coding rate, symbol rate, center frequency, and power level, to the second remote terminal such that a communications link is created, and adjusting the modulation factor, coding rate, symbol rate, center frequency, or power level of the transmitted signal such that performance of the link is increased while maintaining a presence of the link.

    Abstract translation: 一种提供集线器辐射网络内的远程终端之间的通信链路的方法,包括由第一远程终端从集线器接收关于第二远程终端的信息,由第一远程终端选择调制因子,编码率, 基于接收到的关于第二远程终端的信息的符号率,中心频率和功率电平,由第一远程终端使用所选择的调制因子,编码率,符号率,中心频率和 功率电平到第二远程终端,使得创建通信链路,并且调整发送信号的调制因子,编码率,符号率,中心频率或功率电平,使得链路的性能在维持存在的同时增加 的链接。

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