Progressive Bubble Generating System Used in Making Cementitious Foam
    Progressive Bubble Generating System Used in Making Cementitious Foam 有权





    申请人: Air Krete, Inc.

    摘要: A process for producing insulating foam, wherein certain especially small inorganic minerals such as silica fume are directly integrated into bubble fluid to better mechanically strengthen bubbles formed and thus allow the formation of smaller bubbles to be reformed by mechanical means. In this process where these same bubbles are now in some part composed of inorganic solids. A process whereby these minerals are maintained as to their median size and dispersion within the bubble fluid by the following; rotor stator mixing and or a recirculating pump, the inclusion within exotherming calcium-chloride salt, the use of other physical exciters such as hydrogen-peroxide, and by straining out outliers of unwanted size or form. The above mentioned mechanical means is a progressive reforming of bubbles and actualized by a glass bead chamber, a second stage consisting of two screened discs, separated from each other and located at the end of the glass bead chamber, and a third stage chamber presenting itself with a considerably enlarged screen area and having considerably finer meshes than the second stage. This process in its execution results in stronger, smaller and denser bubbles; whereupon when complete hydration has occurred, leaves the smaller solids in their placement within the now open cell structure, and in combination with applied cement from a separate process line, the cured cement foam has a significant registered improvement of insulating qualities as measured by certified R-value tests.

    摘要翻译: 一种制造绝缘泡沫的方法,其中将特别小的无机矿物如硅灰直接整合到气泡流体中以更好地机械加强形成的气泡,从而允许通过机械方式形成更小的气泡。 在这个过程中,这些相同的气泡现在在某种程度上由无机固体组成。 通过以下方法将这些矿物质维持在其中间尺寸和气泡流体中的分散的过程; 转子定子混合和/或再循环泵,包含在放热的氯化钙盐内,使用其它物理激发剂如过氧化氢,以及通过拧紧不想要的尺寸或形式的异常值。 上述机械装置是气泡的逐渐重整并且由玻璃珠腔实现,第二阶段由彼此分离并位于玻璃珠室的端部的两个筛分盘组成,第三级室呈现自身 具有相当大的屏幕面积并且具有比第二阶段更细的网格。 这个过程在执行过程中会导致更强,更小和更致密的气泡; 因此当发生完全水合时,将较小的固体置于现在开放的孔隙结构中,并且与来自单独工艺管线的施加的水泥组合,固化的水泥泡沫体具有通过认证的R测量的绝缘品质的显着提高 价值测试。