The invention provides: 1) a monitoring device featuring systems that monitor the patient's vital sign and exercise information; 2) an Internet-based system configured to receive, store, and display vital sign and exercise from the monitoring device, and blood test information from an external blood test; and 3) a messaging system configured to process the vital sign, exercise, and blood test information, and in response send a personalized message to the patient.
The invention provides a system for monitoring a patient that includes: 1) a first database that stores the patient's blood test information; 2) a monitoring device that collects the patient's cardiovascular and exercise information; 3) a second database that receives cardiovascular and exercise information from the monitoring device; and 4) an Internet-based system that displays the blood test, cardiovascular, and exercise information.
The invention provides a system for monitoring a patient that includes: 1) a blood test that measures an Apo E genotype or a derivative thereof from the patient to generate Apo B information; 2) a database that receives and stores the patient's Apo E information; and 3) an Internet-based system connected to the database and configured to process the Apo E information with an algorithm that, in response, generates a diet and treatment plan for the patient.
The invention provides a system that determines if a patient has Metabolic Syndrome, and in response provides a disease-management program that helps reduce medical risks associated with this malady. The system features a device configured to collect glucose information and blood pressure information, and then transmit this information to a central computer system. The system also includes a database configured to receive triglyceride information and cholesterol information from an external blood test, and a central computer system featuring: 1) a communication interface configured to communicate with the device to receive glucose and blood pressure information and with the database to receive triglyceride and cholesterol information; 2) a user interface configured to accept patient information; and 3) a processor configured to operate an algorithm that processes the glucose, blood pressure, triglyceride, cholesterol, and patient information to determine if the patient has Metabolic Syndrome.