A vertical sleeve secured to a side of a structure on which a man is working receives and supports the lower end portion of a pole that has a much longer inclined upper portion so that its upper end will be directly above a point spaced laterally from the sleeve. A safety line suspended from the upper end of the pole is connected to a safety belt worn by the workman and is long enough to permit him to work close to the sleeve. The pole is rotatable in the sleeve to allow its upper end to be moved in an arc around the sleeve to increase the size of the area in which the man can work.
A series of adjoining concentric rings are cut from a metal plate. The same number of hubs, all the same shape, are also cut from plate material as are annular web plates to fit around hubs, but the outer diameters of the web plates are different from one another in order to fit in the different rings. Each web plate is welded to a hub and encircling ring to form a sheave that is then provided with a circumferential groove to provide a grooved rim for receiving a wire line. The sheaves can be mounted side by side on a common shaft, with the largest sheave at one end and the smallest at the opposite end. This arrangement is suitable for a crown block.
Reflective fabrics are used extensively throughout strong, expandable, selectively and resiliently restrained, fabric accessories for removable securement to crutches and walkers, to provide expandable carrying volumes for personal use items and shopping items, while at the same time presenting the reflective fabric portions to be readily observed, especially by operators of vehicles.
Reflective fabrics are used extensively throughout strong, expandable, selectively and resiliently restrained, fabric accessories for removable securement to crutches and walkers, to provide expandable carrying volumes for personal use items and shopping items, while at the same time presenting the reflective fabric portions to be readily observed, especially by operators of vehicles. In this Divisional Application, the claims are directed to providing a pocket accessory for crutches.
Reflective fabrics are used extensively throughout strong, expandable, selectively and resiliently restrained, fabric accessories for removable securement to crutches and walkers, to provide expandable carrying volumes for personal use items and shopping items, while at the same time presenting the reflective fabric portions to be readily observed, especially by operators of vehicles. In this Divisional Application, the claims are directed to providing a pocket accessory for walkers.