A light-sensitive component which has a semiconductor junction between a thin relatively highly doped epitaxial layer and a relatively lightly doped semiconductor substrate. Outside a light incidence window, an insulating layer is arranged between epitaxial layer and semiconductor substrate. In this case, the thickness of the epitaxial layer is less than 50 nm, with the result that a large proportion of the light quanta incident in the light incidence window can be absorbed in the lightly doped semiconductor substrate.
A light-sensitive component which has a semiconductor junction between a thin relatively highly doped epitaxial layer and a relatively lightly doped semiconductor substrate. Outside a light incidence window, an insulating layer is arranged between epitaxial layer and semiconductor substrate. In this case, the thickness of the epitaxial layer is less than 50 nm, with the result that a large proportion of the light quanta incident in the light incidence window can be absorbed in the lightly doped semiconductor substrate.