Apparatus and a method for increasing the speed of acquisition of PN coded signals includes a novel PN code clock extraction circuit which is coupled in parallel to a code tracking loop and acquisition loop of a PN receiver of the type having a replica PN code generator which is slip controlled to synchronize with the received PN coded signals. The novel PN code clock extraction circuit detects the clock transition of the received PN coded signals and synchronized the replica PN code generator clock transition signals so that there is no misalignment during acquisition. A switch control in the acquisition loop circuit senses the synchronization of the replica PN code generator transition and the received PN code transition and disconnects the PN code clock extraction circuit after synchronization of clock transition and before acquisition of the PN code so that the acquisition loop detects the PN code synchronization with a full strength signal.
A novel range based acquisition system includes a receiver for receiving PN encoded signals coupled to a novel range based variable dwell correlator which detects and acquires uniquely timed received transmitter PN encoded signals employing different search dwell times for each of the estimated ranges from which the receiver transmitted PN encoded signals are being propagated so as to enhance the speed of acquisition of said PN encoded signals.
In a two way ranging system of the type employing pseudonoise spread spectrum codes there is provided a method for correcting the navigational system of one of two moving stations in space to compensate for relative drift. The point positions of the two stations are calculated by the on-board navigation systems of the individual stations at a first and subsequently at a second position after relative movement. The range from station 1 to station 2 is calculated employing the highly accurate pseudonoise communications ranging systems. The range uncertainty of the range calculation and the trigonmetric relation of the two calculated ranges and the include angle between the line of sight of the range directions is employed to calculate a range of uncertainty parallelogram more accurate that the navigation systems. When a station's point position is indicated by its navigation system to be outside the parallelogram, the navigation system is corrected to compensate for relative drift.
A novel PN code acquisition and demodulation circuit comprise an analog receiver coupled to an analog to digital converter. The digital output of the converter is passed through an N chip width parallel correlator. The parallel outputs are coherently accumulated to provide N soft decision data values one of which is indicative of the proper replica code for locking onto the data. All of the soft decision data values are stored in a high speed memory in real time. Subsequently non-coherent accumulated soft decision data is employed to detect the proper PN replica code. Logic selection means accesses the soft decision data stored in the high speed memory in non real time and selects the best estimate for the soft decision data and applies the soft decision data to a demodulator in non-real time to recover the hard data encoded in the received PN coded data.
A method of rapidly reacquiring a pseudonoise spread spectrum coded signal after short outages includes calculating the new positions of the moving stations relative to the old positions of the moving stations and for determining the accurate displacement and the accurate direction the platforms have moved in their new direction after a short time outage. The method includes calculating a triangle which includes the displacement between the moving stations' old position and the moving stations new position and the included angle between the direction of movement and the line of sight between said moving platforms at the time of outage. A range displacement adjustment is calculated on the basis of the triangle for each moving station and the range factor resulting from this calculation is applied to the PN generators of the receiver and transmitter in each of the moving stations to independently adjust for each station's movement. The directional antennas of the moving stations are pointed in new directions toward the area in which the other moving station will be found. The directional antennas are moved simultaneously toward each other and a sweep or reacquisition adjustment of the PN generators of each moving station is made employing a small window of uncertainty which results in reacquisition of the PN coded signal being transmitted from the other station.
A transmitter is provided which simultaneously transmits waveforms such as with different data rates. These transmissions are modulated (e.g. phase modulated) onto quadrature channels of a common carrier, and are then combined. The resulting composite modulated waveform is upconverted to RF, power amplified, split and routed to separate ports for transmission. The transmitted signals are then received, downconverted and demodulated to produce the original signals.
A high PN code rate receiving system is provided for receiving, recovering and tracking a high rate PN composite code comprising a low rate PN code combined with a high rate PN code and wherein the receiving system comprises a broad band receiver for receiving the high rate PN composite code and further includes a data recovery channel and a tracking loop channel. The data recovery channel comprises a high rate mixer and a low rate mixer for removing the high data rate component code and the low data rate component code to provide a low data rate data stream. The tracking loop channel comprises a high rate early-late tracking system for producing a high rate error signal and further comprises a low rate portion of the tracking loop for producing a low rate error signal which is combined with the data output to provide a clock error signal. The clock error signal is applied to a voltage controlled oscillator to produce a low data rate clock and a high data rate clock which are coupled to a low data rate code generator and a high data rate code generator which synchronize the tracking loop and said data channel.
An apparatus for maintaining an arbitrary orientation of the polarization of an antenna, such as an airborne microwave antenna, by using antenna pointing information and platform (aircraft) attitude information to position the input/feed signal.
Apparatus and a method of generating very very long pseudonoise (PN) spread spectrum codes is provided where the code is so long that it need never repeat itself during actual use. The transmitter is adapted to start to transmit one set of a plurality of component codes as a composite code having correlation properties with the component codes. When the first set of component codes are acquired at the receiver the composite code is then transmitted as a component of a different composite code which contains the previous composite code and a second new set of component codes which have correlation properties with the new set of component codes. When the second set of component codes are acquired by the receiver the composite code is then transmitted as a third new and different composite code which contains a third new set of component codes which have correlation properties with third new set of component codes. When the third new set of component set of codes is required the transmitter is already transmitting a very very long composite code but may lengthen the composite code by employing further set of component codes or may continue to transmit the very very long composite code without having any correlation properties with any of the component codes being transmitted.
A set of independent pseudonoise (PN) component codes greater than two are combined in a manner which produces one or more I and Q uncorrelated orthogonal pairs of resulting combined PN sequences. At least two of the component codes in a resulting combined PN sequence are combined in a manner which produces an overall imbalance of ones and zeros in the binary expression of the resulting combined PN sequence so that the resulting composite code has a partial correlation with a predetermined one of the PN component codes. In the preferred embodiment, three component codes are combined to produce uncorrelated orthogonal pairs of composite codes wherein at least one of the pairs of composite codes is produced to have a partial correlation with one or more of the component codes.