Power Control in Wireless Communications
    Power Control in Wireless Communications 审中-公开





    Abstract: In accordance with a method for power control in wireless communications, including a first radio node determines that a different muted subframe transmission power is desired. A request to a second radio node for a different muted subframe transmission power is then signalled. The request is taken into account by the second radio node in setting transmission power of at least one muted subframe.

    Abstract translation: 根据用于无线通信中的功率控制的方法,包括第一无线电节点确定期望不同的静音子帧发送功率。 然后向第二无线电节点发送针对不同的静态子帧发射功率的请求。 第二无线电节点在设置至少一个静音子帧的发送功率时考虑该请求。

    Interference Coordination by Means of Directional Antenna Beams in a Wireless System
    Interference Coordination by Means of Directional Antenna Beams in a Wireless System 有权





    Abstract: The disclosure relate to interference coordination in wireless communications. A first level station can obtain information for interference coordination with a second level station to protect the second level station from interference in arrangement where the second level station provides a smaller coverage area than the first level station and is at least partially located in the area of the first level station. Use of directional antenna beams by the first level station and/or communications by the second level station can then be controlled accordingly.

    Abstract translation: 本公开涉及无线通信中的干扰协调。 第一级站可以获得与第二级站的干扰协调的信息,以保护第二级站免受第二级站提供比第一级站更小的覆盖区域的布置的干扰,并且至少部分地位于 一级车站。 然后可以相应地控制由第一级站使用定向天线波束和/或第二级站的通信。

    Pico cell-selection/handover for TDM eICIC heterogenous networks
    Pico cell-selection/handover for TDM eICIC heterogenous networks 有权
    TDM eICIC异构网络的微小区选择/切换





    CPC classification number: H04W36/26 H04W16/26 H04W48/20 H04W84/045

    Abstract: It is checked if a first CRE from a first cell is larger than 0 and if a second CRE from a second cell is larger than 0. If both the first and the second CRE are larger than 0, a first modified CRE is set based on the first CRE and a second modified CRE is set based on the second CRE. If the first CRE and/or the second CRE is equal to 0, the first modified CRE is set the first CRE and the second modified CRE is set to the second CRE. One of the first and second cell is selected for cell selection and/or handover based on a comparison of a sum of a signal strength indicator from the first cell and the first modified CRE and a sum of a signal strength indicator from the second cell and the second modified CRE.

    Abstract translation: 检查来自第一小区的第一CRE是否大于0,并且来自第二小区的第二CRE是否大于0.如果第一和第二CRE都大于0,则基于 基于第二CRE设置第一CRE和第二修改CRE。 如果第一CRE和/或第二CRE等于0,则将第一修改CRE设置为第一CRE,将第二修改CRE设置为第二CRE。 基于来自第一小区的信号强度指示符和第一修改CRE的和的总和与来自第二小区的信号强度指示符的和的比较,选择第一和第二小区中的一个用于小区选择和/或切换,以及 第二修改CRE。

    Pico Cell-Selection/Handover for TDM EICIC Heterogenous Networks
    Pico Cell-Selection/Handover for TDM EICIC Heterogenous Networks 有权
    TDM EICIC异构网络的微小区选择/切换





    CPC classification number: H04W36/26 H04W16/26 H04W48/20 H04W84/045

    Abstract: It is checked if a first CRE from a first cell is larger than 0; and if a second CRE from a second cell is larger than 0. If both the first and the second CRE are larger than 0, a first modified CRE is set based on the first CRE and a second modified CRE is set based on the second CRE. If the first CRE and/or the second CRE is equal to 0, the first modified CRE is set to the first CRE and the second modified CRE is set to the second CRE. One of the first and second cell is selected for cell selection and/or handover based on a comparison of a sum of a signal strength indicator from the first cell and the first modified CRE and a sum of a signal strength indicator from the second cell and the second modified CRE.

    Abstract translation: 检查来自第一个单元格的第一个CRE是否大于0; 并且如果来自第二小区的第二CRE大于0.如果第一和第二CRE都大于0,则基于第一CRE设置第一修改CRE,并且基于第二CRE设置第二修改CRE 。 如果第一CRE和/或第二CRE等于0,则将第一修改CRE设置为第一CRE,将第二修改CRE设置为第二CRE。 基于来自第一小区的信号强度指示符和第一修改CRE的和的总和与来自第二小区的信号强度指示符的和的比较,选择第一和第二小区中的一个用于小区选择和/或切换,以及 第二修改CRE。

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