Synchronous switching regulator circuits with voltage-drop sensing circuitry are presented in which the current sensing element typically in series with a load is eliminated, resulting in reduced dissipative losses and less costly manufacture. Voltage drops are measured across the regulator's synchronous switching element, and, in some cases, also across the regulator's main switching element. Measured voltage drops are used to derive a current analog signal indicative of the amount of current being supplied by the regulator. The current signal is then compared with a threshold value to determine whether the regulator's duty cycle should be varied.
Methods for synchronizing non-constant frequency switching regulators with a phase locked loop are disclosed. The methods enable non-constant frequency switching regulators to be synchronized with a phase locked loop to achieve constant frequency operation in steady state while retaining the advantages of non-frequency operation to improve transient response and operate over a wider range of duty cycles. In addition, the methods enable multiple non-constant frequency regulators to be synchronized and operated in parallel to deliver higher power levels to the output than a single switching regulator.
Methods for synchronizing non-constant frequency switching regulators with a phase locked loop are disclosed. The methods enable non-constant frequency switching regulators to be synchronized with a phase locked loop to achieve constant frequency operation in steady state while retaining the advantages of non-frequency operation to improve transient response and operate over a wider range of duty cycles. In addition, the methods enable multiple non-constant frequency regulators to be synchronized and operated in parallel to deliver higher power levels to the output than a single switching regulator.
Circuits and methods to correct the load sharing in multiphase switching regulators are provided. Using these systems and methods, the input capacitor voltage signal can be sampled and used for current sensing of the regulator's stages. Differences in the amount of output current for a converter stage can then be determined. Corrections needed to equalize the output current of the converter stages can then be determined and carried out.
Methods for synchronizing non-constant frequency switching regulators with a phase locked loop are disclosed. The methods enable non-constant frequency switching regulators to be synchronized with a phase locked loop to achieve constant frequency operation in steady state while retaining the advantages of non-frequency operation to improve transient response and operate over a wider range of duty cycles. In addition, the methods enable multiple non-constant frequency regulators to be synchronized and operated in parallel to deliver higher power levels to the output than a single switching regulator.