Applicant: Rick Harrison , Fred Cook , Brian Hamilton , Gavin Sills
Inventor: Rick Harrison , Fred Cook , Brian Hamilton , Gavin Sills
IPC: A01H5/00
CPC classification number: A01H6/7499 , A01H5/08
Abstract: The present invention relates to a new and distinct cultivar of raspberry plant named ‘Driscoll Estrella’. The new cultivar is distinguished from other raspberry cultivars by its yellow fruit color, fruit firmness, consistent fruit structure and high yield. The new cultivar is distinguished from its pollen parent by producing a higher yield of larger, firmer fruit with a brighter yellow color.
Abstract translation: 本发明涉及名为“Driscoll Estrella”的覆盆子植物的新的和不同的品种。 新品种与其他覆盆子品种的黄色果实颜色,果实坚果,果实结构一致,产量高。 新品种与其花粉亲本区分开来,产生更高,更坚实的水果,具有更亮的黄色。
Applicant: Rick Harrison , Fred Cook , Brian Hamilton , Gavin Sills
Inventor: Rick Harrison , Fred Cook , Brian Hamilton , Gavin Sills
IPC: A01H0/05
CPC classification number: A01H6/7499 , A01H5/08
Abstract: The present invention relates to a new and distinct cultivar of raspberry plant named ‘Driscoll Estrella’. The new cultivar is distinguished from other raspberry cultivars by its yellow fruit color, fruit firmness, consistent fruit structure and high yield. The new cultivar is distinguished from its pollen parent by producing a higher yield of larger, firmer fruit with a brighter yellow color.
Abstract translation: 本发明涉及名为“Driscoll Estrella”的覆盆子植物的新的和不同的品种。 新品种与其他覆盆子品种的黄色果实颜色,果实坚果,果实结构一致,产量高。 新品种与其花粉亲本区分开来,产生更高,更坚实的水果,具有更亮的黄色。
Applicant: Carlos Fear , Rick Harrison
Inventor: Carlos Fear , Rick Harrison
IPC: A01H5/00
CPC classification number: A01H6/7499 , A01H5/08
Abstract: The present invention relates to a new and distinct cultivar of raspberry plant named ‘Driscoll Pacifica’. The new cultivar is distinguished from other raspberry cultivars by its fruit firmness, consistent large fruit size and high yield. The new cultivar is distinguished from its parent by having better flavored fruit and larger fruit.
Abstract translation: 本发明涉及名为“Driscoll Pacifica”的覆盆子植物的新颖而独特的品种。 新品种与其他覆盆子品种的果实坚实,大果一致,产量高。 新品种通过具有更好的水果和较大的水果与其父母区分开来。
Applicant: Carlos Fear , Rick Harrison
Inventor: Carlos Fear , Rick Harrison
IPC: A01H5/00
CPC classification number: A01H6/7499 , A01H5/08
Abstract: The present invention relates to a new and distinct cultivar of raspberry plant named ‘Driscoll Sevillana’. The new cultivar is distinguished from other raspberry cultivars by its large firm fruit with consistent fruit structure and high yield. The new cultivar is distinguished from its parent by being a less vigorous plant, producing more uniform and more elongated shape fruit, and having larger and less acidic fruit.
Abstract translation: 本发明涉及名为“Driscoll Sevillana”的覆盆子植物的新颖而独特的品种。 新品种与其他覆盆子品种不同,其果实坚实,果实结实,产量高。 新品种与其父母不同,是一种不那么有活力的植物,产生更均匀,更细长的形状的水果,并且具有较大和较弱酸性的水果。
Applicant: Carlos Fear , Rick Harrison
Inventor: Carlos Fear , Rick Harrison
IPC: A01H5/00
CPC classification number: A01H6/7499 , A01H5/08
Abstract: The present invention relates to a new and distinct cultivar of raspberry plant named ‘Driscoll Pacifica’. The new cultivar is distinguished from other raspberry cultivars by its fruit firmness, consistent large fruit size and high yield. The new cultivar is distinguished from its parent by having better flavored fruit and larger fruit.
Abstract translation: 本发明涉及名为“Driscoll Pacifica”的覆盆子植物的新颖而独特的品种。 新品种与其他覆盆子品种的果实坚实,大果一致,产量高。 新品种通过具有更好的水果和较大的水果与其父母区分开来。
Applicant: Carlos Fear , Rick Harrison
Inventor: Carlos Fear , Rick Harrison
IPC: A01H5/00
CPC classification number: A01H6/7499 , A01H5/08
Abstract: The present invention relates to a new and distinct cultivar of raspberry plant named ‘Driscoll Sevillana’. The new cultivar is distinguished from other raspberry cultivars by its large firm fruit with consistent fruit structure and high yield. The new cultivar is distinguished from its parent by being a less vigorous plant, producing more uniform and more elongated shape fruit, and having larger and less acidic fruit.
Abstract translation: 本发明涉及名为“Driscoll Sevillana”的覆盆子植物的新颖而独特的品种。 新品种与其他覆盆子品种不同,其果实坚实,果实结实,产量高。 新品种与其父母不同,是一种不那么有活力的植物,产生更均匀,更细长的形状的水果,并且具有较大和较弱酸性的水果。
Applicant: Rick Harrison
Inventor: Rick Harrison
IPC: B62D43/02
CPC classification number: B62D43/02
Abstract: A spare tire carrier for carrying one or more spare tires with an on-off road utility vehicle. The spare tire carrier is of the type for mounting to the roll bar present in on-off road utility vehicles to prevent roll over and/or occupant damage. The spare tire carrier accommodates various sized spare tire and wheel combinations and can be attached to all of the different sized commercially manufactured roll bars utilized in on-off road utility vehicles of this type. Additionally, the spare tire carrier is rotatably mounted on the roll bar thereby permitting the spare tire to be carried either inside the passenger or cargo areas or outside the on-off road utility vehicle as conditions dictate. The spare tire carrier comprises a base, a base arm, a platform, and a platform arm.
Abstract translation: 用于携带一个或多个备用轮胎的备用轮胎载体,其具有开关式多用途车辆。 备用轮胎载体是用于安装在停车道路多用途车上的卷杆的类型,以防止翻倒和/或乘员损坏。 备用轮胎载体容纳各种尺寸的备用轮胎和车轮组合,并且可以附接到在这种类型的开关式多用途车上使用的所有不同尺寸的商业制造的辊条。 此外,备用轮胎载体可旋转地安装在辊杆上,从而允许备用轮胎被携带在乘客或货物区域内或者在开关式多用途车辆的外部,如条件所规定的。 备用轮胎载体包括基座,基部臂,平台和平台臂。