In semiconductor devices in which both NMOS devices and PMOS devices are used to perform in different modes such as analog and digital modes, stress engineering is selectively applied to particular devices depending on their required operational modes. That is, the appropriate mechanical stress, i.e., tensile or compressive, can be applied to and/or removed from devices, i.e., NMOS and/or PMOS devices, based not only on their conductivity type, i.e., n-type or p-type, but also on their intended operational application, for example, analog/digital, low-voltage/high-voltage, high-speed/low-speed, noise-sensitive/noise-insensitive, etc. The result is that performance of individual devices is optimized based on the mode in which they operate. For example, mechanical stress can be applied to devices that operate in high-speed digital settings, while devices that operate in analog or RF signal settings, in which electrical noise such as flicker noise that may be introduced by applied stress may degrade performance, have no stress applied.
In semiconductor devices in which both NMOS devices and PMOS devices are used to perform in different modes such as analog and digital modes, stress engineering is selectively applied to particular devices depending on their required operational modes. That is, the appropriate mechanical stress, i.e., tensile or compressive, can be applied to and/or removed from devices, i.e., NMOS and/or PMOS devices, based not only on their conductivity type, i.e., n-type or p-type, but also on their intended operational application, for example, analog/digital, low-voltage/high-voltage, high-speed/low-speed, noise-sensitive/noise-insensitive, etc. The result is that performance of individual devices is optimized based on the mode in which they operate. For example, mechanical stress can be applied to devices that operate in high-speed digital settings, while devices that operate in analog or RF signal settings, in which electrical noise such as flicker noise that may be introduced by applied stress may degrade performance, have no stress applied.
In a semiconductor capable of reducing NBTI and a method for manufacturing the same, a multi-gate transistor includes an active region, gate dielectric, channels in the active region, and gate electrodes, and is formed on a semiconductor wafer. The active region has a top and side surfaces, and is oriented in a first direction. The gate dielectric is formed on the top and side surfaces of the active region. The channels are formed in the top and side surfaces of the active region. The gate electrodes are formed on the gate dielectric corresponding to the channels and aligned perpendicular to the active region such that current flows in the first direction. In one aspect of the invention, an SOI layer having a second orientation indicator in a second direction is formed on a supporting substrate having a first orientation indicator in a first direction.
An on-chip inductor can include an outer inductor portion that separates an inner region of the inductor from an outer region of the inductor outside the inductor. An interconnect inductor portion is electrically coupled to the main inductor portion wherein the interconnect inductor portion can include extension portions that follow the contour of the adjacent portions of the outer inductor in the inner region of the inductor. An input path is coupled to the outer inductor portion through the extension portion and extends away from the inductor beneath the outer inductor portion on a first side thereof. An output path is coupled to the outer inductor portion through the extension portion and extends away from the inductor beneath the outer inductor portion on a second side of the inductor opposite the first side.
In a semiconductor capable of reducing NBTI and a method for manufacturing the same, a multi-gate transistor includes an active region, gate dielectric, channels in the active region, and gate electrodes, and is formed on a semiconductor wafer. The active region has a top and side surfaces, and is oriented in a first direction. The gate dielectric is formed on the top and side surfaces of the active region. The channels are formed in the top and side surfaces of the active region. The gate electrodes are formed on the gate dielectric corresponding to the channels and aligned perpendicular to the active region such that current flows in the first direction. In one aspect of the invention, an SOI layer having a second orientation indicator in a second direction is formed on a supporting substrate having a first orientation indicator in a first direction.
In a semiconductor capable of reducing NBTI and a method for manufacturing the same, a multi-gate transistor includes an active region, gate dielectric, channels in the active region, and gate electrodes, and is formed on a semiconductor wafer. The active region has a top and side surfaces, and is oriented in a first direction. The gate dielectric is formed on the top and side surfaces of the active region. The channels are formed in the top and side surfaces of the active region. The gate electrodes are formed on the gate dielectric corresponding to the channels and aligned perpendicular to the active region such that current flows in the first direction. In one aspect of the invention, an SOI layer having a second orientation indicator in a second direction is formed on a supporting substrate having a first orientation indicator in a first direction. A multi-gate transistor is formed on the SOI layer. The first direction and the second direction are the same, or the first direction is at 45 degrees with respect to the second direction. In another aspect of the invention, the intersection of the top and side surfaces of the active region are curved, further reducing NBTI. In another aspect of the invention, a multi-gate transistor is formed on a shallow trench isolation region of a bulk wafer.
In semiconductor devices in which both NMOS devices and PMOS devices are used to perform in different modes such as analog and digital modes, stress engineering is selectively applied to particular devices depending on their required operational modes. That is, the appropriate mechanical stress, i.e., tensile or compressive, can be applied to and/or removed from devices, i.e., NMOS and/or PMOS devices, based not only on their conductivity type, i.e., n-type or p-type, but also on their intended operational application, for example, analog/digital, low-voltage/high-voltage, high-speed/low-speed, noise-sensitive/noise-insensitive, etc. The result is that performance of individual devices is optimized based on the mode in which they operate. For example, mechanical stress can be applied to devices that operate in high-speed digital settings, while devices that operate in analog or RF signal settings, in which electrical noise such as flicker noise that may be introduced by applied stress may degrade performance, have no stress applied.
An on-chip inductor can include an outer inductor portion that separates an inner region of the inductor from an outer region of the inductor outside the inductor. An interconnect inductor portion is electrically coupled to the main inductor portion wherein the interconnect inductor portion can include extension portions that follow the contour of the adjacent portions of the outer inductor in the inner region of the inductor. An input path is coupled to the outer inductor portion through the extension portion and extends away from the inductor beneath the outer inductor portion on a first side thereof. An output path is coupled to the outer inductor portion through the extension portion and extends away from the inductor beneath the outer inductor portion on a second side of the inductor opposite the first side.
In a semiconductor capable of reducing NBTI and a method for manufacturing the same, a multi-gate transistor includes an active region, gate dielectric, channels in the active region, and gate electrodes, and is formed on a semiconductor wafer. The active region has a top and side surfaces, and is oriented in a first direction. The gate dielectric is formed on the top and side surfaces of the active region. The channels are formed in the top and side surfaces of the active region. The gate electrodes are formed on the gate dielectric corresponding to the channels and aligned perpendicular to the active region such that current flows in the first direction. In one aspect of the invention, an SOI layer having a second orientation indicator in a second direction is formed on a supporting substrate having a first orientation indicator in a first direction. A multi-gate transistor is formed on the SOI layer. The first direction and the second direction are the same, or the first direction is at 45 degrees with respect to the second direction. In another aspect of the invention, the intersection of the top and side surfaces of the active region are curved, further reducing NBTI. In another aspect of the invention, a multi-gate transistor is formed on a shallow trench isolation region of a bulk wafer.
In a semiconductor capable of reducing NBTI and a method for manufacturing the same, a multi-gate transistor includes an active region, gate dielectric, channels in the active region, and gate electrodes, and is formed on a semiconductor wafer. The active region has a top and side surfaces, and is oriented in a first direction. The gate dielectric is formed on the top and side surfaces of the active region. The channels are formed in the top and side surfaces of the active region. The gate electrodes are formed on the gate dielectric corresponding to the channels and aligned perpendicular to the active region such that current flows in the first direction. In one aspect of the invention, an SOI layer having a second orientation indicator in a second direction is formed on a supporting substrate having a first orientation indicator in a first direction.