Dynamically selectable texture filter for computer graphics
    Dynamically selectable texture filter for computer graphics 失效





    CPC classification number: G06T15/04

    Abstract: A graphics system including a selectable mode filter for improved texture mapping. An x, y pixel coordinate is mapped into a u, v texture map. The mapped u, v coordinate includes integer and fractional portions. Depending on the location of the coordinate relative to the four nearest texels, which are represented as integers, one of several texture mapping schemes are used to either select or calculate the texel value to be used to render the pixel at the x, y screen location. The three texture mapping schemes include point sampling in which the nearest texel from the texture map is selected, two-texel averaging in which the closest two texels are combined in a weighted average, and four-texel averaging in which the closest four texels are combined in a weighted average. By providing a selectable filter than can perform point sampling or two or four-texel averaging, the speed benefit of point sampling can be approached as well as the superior quality of two and four-texel averaging.

    Abstract translation: 包括用于改进纹理映射的可选模式滤波器的图形系统。 x,y像素坐标映射到u,v纹理图。 映射的u,v坐标包括整数和小数部分。 根据相对于四个最接近的纹素的坐标的位置,其被表示为整数,使用若干纹理映射方案中的一个来选择或计算用于在x,y屏幕位置处渲染像素的纹素值 。 三个纹理映射方案包括点采样,其中从纹理映射中选出最近的纹理像素,其中最接近的两个纹素以加权平均组合的两个纹理平均值,以及最近的四个纹素组合的四个纹理平均值 加权平均数。 通过提供可选择的滤波器,可以执行点采样或两个或四个纹理平均,可以接近点采样的速度优势以及两个和四个纹理平均的优质质量。

    Dynamically selectable texture filter for a software graphics engine
    Dynamically selectable texture filter for a software graphics engine 失效





    CPC classification number: G06T15/04

    Abstract: A software graphics engine includes a selectable mode filter for improved texture mapping. An x, y pixel coordinate is mapped into a u, v texture map. The mapped u, v coordinate includes integer and fractional portions. Depending on the location of the coordinate relative to the four nearest texels, which are represented as integers, one of several texture mapping schemes are used to either select or calculate the texel value to be used to render the pixel at the x, y screen location. The three texture mapping schemes include point sampling in which the nearest texel from the texture map is selected, two-texel averaging in which the closest two texels are combined in a weighted average, and four-texel averaging in which the closest four texels are combined in a weighted average. By providing a selectable filter than can perform point sampling or two or four-texel averaging, the speed benefit of point sampling can be approached as well as the superior quality of two- and four-texel averaging.

    Abstract translation: 软件图形引擎包括用于改进纹理映射的可选模式滤波器。 x,y像素坐标映射到u,v纹理图。 映射的u,v坐标包括整数和小数部分。 根据相对于四个最接近的纹素的坐标的位置,其被表示为整数,使用若干纹理映射方案中的一个来选择或计算用于在x,y屏幕位置处渲染像素的纹素值 。 三个纹理映射方案包括点采样,其中从纹理映射中选出最近的纹理像素,其中最接近的两个纹素以加权平均组合的两个纹理平均值,以及最近的四个纹素组合的四个纹理平均值 加权平均数。 通过提供可选择的滤波器,可以执行点采样或两个或四个纹理平均,可以接近点采样的速度效益以及双和四纹理平均的优越质量。

    Dynamic switching of texture mip-maps based on pixel depth value
    Dynamic switching of texture mip-maps based on pixel depth value 失效





    CPC classification number: G06T15/10

    Abstract: A graphics subsystem includes hardware and/or software for permitting mip-maps to be dynamically switched based upon depth (Z) values. In addition, the system generates a SHIFT signal to permit automatic adjustment of texture parameters to facilitate retrieval of texture maps. The system includes a mip-map select logic or routine that compares the depth value of a pixel to be rendered with predetermined depth values. The depth values may be stored in a plurality of depth registers, and compared with the depth value of a pixel in a plurality of associated comparators. A mip-map is selected based upon the comparisons, and the SHIFT signal is generated to indicate the order of change with respect to a base reference mip-map. A texture engine receives the SHIFT signal and uses the associated base address of the selected mip-map and shifted texture parameters to define an address for the texture map.

    Abstract translation: 图形子系统包括用于允许基于深度(Z)值动态切换mip映射的硬件和/或软件。 此外,系统产生SHIFT信号以允许纹理参数的自动调整以便于纹理图的检索。 该系统包括将要渲染的像素的深度值与预定深度值进行比较的mip-map选择逻辑或例程。 深度值可以存储在多个深度寄存器中,并且与多个相关比较器中的像素的深度值进行比较。 基于比较选择mip-map,并且生成SHIFT信号以指示相对于基本参考mip-map的改变顺序。 纹理引擎接收SHIFT信号,并使用所选择的mip-map和移位纹理参数的相关联的基地址来定义纹理映射的地址。

    Circuit for determining non-homogenous second order perspective texture
mapping coordinates using linear interpolation
    Circuit for determining non-homogenous second order perspective texture mapping coordinates using linear interpolation 失效





    CPC classification number: G06T15/04

    Abstract: A texture value determining (TVD) circuit approximates non-homogenous 2nd order perspective texture mapping to provide texture for a polygon using linear interpolation and input parameters. The TVD circuit of the present invention includes a vertical walk subcircuit and an orthogonal walk subcircuit. The vertical walk subcircuit determines texture coordinates, u(a.sub.0,n) and v(a.sub.0,n) that represent the pixels along a vertical main slop of a triangle polygon. The orthogonal walk subcircuit determines texture coordinates, u(a.sub.m,n) and v(a.sub.m,n), for orthogonally walked polygon coordinate positions for which m>0. The orthogonally walked coordinate positions represent individual scan lines. The vertical walk subcircuit of the TVD circuit includes adders, latches, and accumulators. Each element of the vertical walk subcircuit receives a vertical main slope clock (n-clock) signal. An output of the vertical walk subsystem is computed based on the relationship,u(a.sub.0,n)=u(a.sub.0, n-1)+du.sub.main +(n-1)d.sup.2 u.sub.main for m=0, n>0where du.sub.main and d.sup.2 u.sub.main are input parameters. The orthogonal walk subcircuit also includes adders, latches, and accumulators. The orthogonal walk subcircuit is clocked by an orthogonal walk (m-clock) signal as well as the n-clock signal. An output of the orthogonal walk subcircuit is computed based on the relationship,u(a.sub.m,n)=u(a.sub.m-1, n)+n(du.sub.ortho-ADD)+du.sub.ortho +(m-1)d.sup.2 u.sub.ortho for m>0where du.sub.ortho -ADD and du.sub.ortho and d.sup.2 u.sub.ortho are input parameters.

    Abstract translation: 纹理值确定(TVD)电路近似非均匀二阶透视纹理映射,以使用线性插值和输入参数为多边形提供纹理。 本发明的TVD电路包括垂直行走支路和正交行走支路。 垂直行走支路确定纹理坐标u(a0,n)和v(a0,n),它们表示沿着三角形多边形的垂直主斜面的像素。 正交步行分支电路确定m> 0的正交走行多边形坐标位置的纹理坐标u(am,n)和v(am,n)。 正交行走的坐标位置表示各个扫描线。 TVD电路的垂直行走支路包括加法器,锁存器和累加器。 垂直行走电路的每个元件都接收垂直主斜率时钟(n时钟)信号。 基于关系,u(a0,n)= u(a0,n-1)+ dumain +(n-1)d2umain为m = 0,n> 0计算垂直行走子系统的输出,其中dumain和d2umain为 输入参数。 正交走路分支电路还包括加法器,锁存器和累加器。 正交行走支路由正交步进(m-时钟)信号和n时钟信号计时。 基于对于m> 0的关系u(am,n)= u(am-1,n)+ n(duortho-ADD)+ duortho +(m-1)d2uortho)来计算正交走路子电路的输出,其中duortho -ADD和duortho和d2uortho是输入参数。

    Non-homogenous second order perspective texture mapping using linear
interpolation parameters
    Non-homogenous second order perspective texture mapping using linear interpolation parameters 失效





    CPC classification number: G06T15/04

    Abstract: In a computer system having a host processor, a peripheral graphics device, a display screen, and a memory, a non-homogenous second order perspective texture mapping process. Polygon coordinates, a.sub.m,n, defining a texture polygon, are received. Initial values are received for a set of parameters including u.sub.main, v.sub.main, dv.sub.ortho, dv.sub.main, du.sub.ortho, du.sub.main, d.sup.2 u.sub.ortho, d.sup.2 u.sub.main, d.sup.2 v.sub.ortho, d.sup.2 v.sub.main, du.sub.ortho-ADD, and dv.sub.ortho-ADD. The texture polygon includes span regions. A span value, j, is set to an initial value to designate an initial span region of the texture polygon in (m, n) polygon coordinate space. The total number of rows, n.sub.max, is determined for the current span region of the polygon. The total number of polygon coordinates, m.sub.max, in the current row, n, of the texture polygon is determined. An (x, y) display coordinate, corresponding to the current polygon coordinate, a.sub.m,n, is set by translating from (m, n) polygon space to (x, y) display coordinate space. Texture coordinates, u(a.sub.m,n) and v(a.sub.m,n), are determined, according to the present invention, for each polygon coordinate, a.sub.m,n, using linear interpolation based on a set of relationships that utilize the above parameters without using a repetitive divide operation. A display pixel of a color determined according to texture coordinates, u(a.sub.m,n) and v(a.sub.m,n), is rendered on a display screen at the determined (x, y) position.

    Abstract translation: 在具有主机处理器,外围图形设备,显示屏幕和存储器的计算机系统中,非均匀的二阶透视纹理映射处理。 接收定义纹理多边形的多边形坐标,am,n。 初始值接收到一组参数,包括umain,vmain,dvortho,dvmain,duortho,dumain,d2uortho,d2umain,d2vortho,d2vmain,duortho-ADD和dvortho-ADD。 纹理多边形包括跨度区域。 跨度值j被设置为初始值以指定(m,n)多边形坐标空间中的纹理多边形的初始跨度区域。 为多边形的当前跨度区域确定总行数nmax。 确定纹理多边形的当前行n中的多边形坐标的总数,mmax。 通过从(m,n)多边形空间转换为(x,y)显示坐标空间来设置与当前多边形坐标am,n对应的(x,y)显示坐标。 根据本发明,根据本发明确定纹理坐标u(am,n)和v(am,n),对于每个多边形坐标am,n,使用基于利用上述参数的一组关系的线性插值而没有 使用重复划分操作。 根据纹理坐标u(am,n)和v(am,n)确定的颜色的显示像素在确定的(x,y)位置的显示屏幕上呈现。

    Auto level of detail texture mapping for a software graphics engine
    Auto level of detail texture mapping for a software graphics engine 失效





    CPC classification number: G06T15/04

    Abstract: A graphics system includes a graphics controller for rendering polygons with texture using an improved MIP mapping technique. The graphics controller includes a polygon engine for rendering the pixels in a polygon and a texture map engine for selecting texture elements (“texels”) from an appropriate texture map to be applied to the pixels rendered by the polygon engine. The texture map engine generates texel coordinate values from pixel coordinate values provided by the polygon engine. The appropriate texture map is selected from a set of texture maps each varying from the others by the level of detail of the texture in each map. The graphics controller selects the appropriate level of detail texture map to use to increase speed, efficiency, and realism quality of the graphics system. The determination as to which level of detail texture map is appropriate is made by computing the area bounded by adjacent texel coordinates generated by the texture map engine. In one embodiment, vectors are defined for each the adjacent texels and the area is determined from the magnitude of the cross product of the vectors. An embodiment of the invention includes software for calculating the area bounded by adjacent texel coordinates and for comparing the area to a range of values. The software also selects an appropriate texture map based on the results of the comparison.

    Abstract translation: 图形系统包括用于使用改进的MIP映射技术来渲染具有纹理的多边形的图形控制器。 图形控制器包括用于渲染多边形中的像素的多边形引擎和用于从适当的纹理图选择纹理元素(“纹理”)的纹理映射引擎,以将其应用于由多边形引擎呈现的像素。 纹理映射引擎从由多边形引擎提供的像素坐标值生成纹素坐标值。 从一组纹理贴图中选择适当的纹理贴图,每个纹理贴图通过每个贴图中纹理的细节级别而不同。 图形控制器选择适当的细节纹理图层来提高图形系统的速度,效率和现实质量。 通过计算由纹理映射引擎生成的相邻纹素坐标所限定的区域来确定哪个级别的细节纹理图是适当的。 在一个实施例中,为每个相邻纹素定义向量,并且根据向量的十字积的大小来确定该区域。 本发明的实施例包括用于计算由相邻纹素像素坐标界定的区域并用于将该区域与值范围进行比较的软件。 该软件还根据比较结果选择合适的纹理贴图。

    Dynamically selectable MIP map blending for a software graphics engine
    Dynamically selectable MIP map blending for a software graphics engine 失效





    CPC classification number: G06T15/04

    Abstract: Graphics software renders polygons with texture using an improved MIP mapping technique in which texels from multiple MIP maps are blended together. The software renders the pixels in a polygon and selects texture elements (“texels”) from an appropriate texture map to be applied to the pixels. The software further generates texel coordinate values to select texel values from a set of texture maps, each map varying from the others by the level of detail of the texture. The software then computes a scale factor for each texel value according an area bounded by adjacent texel coordinates. In one embodiment, vectors are defined for each the adjacent texels and the area is determined from the magnitude of the cross product of the vectors. The scale factor is then used to compute a weighted average of texels from one or more MIP maps. Further, for certain area values, no averaging occurs or, alternatively, the scale factor is set to 1.0.

    Abstract translation: 图形软件使用改进的MIP映射技术来渲染具有纹理的多边形,其中来自多个MIP映射的纹理混合在一起。 软件渲染多边形中的像素,并从适当的纹理贴图中选择要应用于像素的纹理元素(“纹理”)。 该软件进一步生成纹素坐标值以从一组纹理图中选择纹素值,每个地图根据纹理的细节水平而变化。 软件然后根据由相邻纹素坐标界定的区域计算每个纹素值的比例因子。 在一个实施例中,为每个相邻纹素定义向量,并且根据向量的十字积的大小来确定该区域。 然后使用比例因子来计算来自一个或多个MIP映射的纹素的加权平均。 此外,对于某些区域值,不发生平均值,或者将比例因子设置为1.0。

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