Coated cutting tool





    申请人: WALTER AG

    摘要: A coated cutting tool includes a substrate and a coating. The coating has an inner layer of 4-14 μm thick Ti1-xAlxN, an intermediate layer of 0.05-1 μm TiCN and at least one outer layer of 1-9 μm α-Al2O3. The α-Al2O3 layer exhibits an X-ray diffraction pattern, as measured using CuKα radiation and theta-2theta scan. A texture coefficient TC(hkl) is defined according to Harris formula, wherein the (hkl) reflections used are (0 2 4), (1 1 6), (3 0 0) and (0 0 12), I(hkl)=measured intensity (peak intensity) of the (hkl) reflection, I0(hkl)=standard intensity according to ICDD's PDF-card No. 00-042-1468, n=number of reflections used in the calculation, and 3

    Tool having CVD coating





    申请人: Walter AG

    IPC分类号: C23C16/34 C23C16/44

    摘要: A tool having a base body of carbide, cermet, ceramic, steel or high speed steel and a single-layer or multi-layer wear-protection coating applied thereto in a CVD process, wherein the wear-protection coating has at least one Ti1-xAlxCyNz layer having stoichiometry coefficients 0.70≤x 1+h (ln h)2, wherein h is the thickness of the Ti1-xAlxCyNz layer in micrometer.

    Tool with TiAIN coating





    申请人: WALTER AG

    摘要: A tool having includes a base body of cemented carbide, cermet, ceramics, steel or high-speed steel and a single-layer or multi-layer wear protection coating deposited thereon by CVD process and having a thickness within the range of from 2 μm to 25 μm. The wear protection coating has at least a Ti1-xAlxCyNz layer with 0.40≤x≤0.95, 0≤y≤0.10 and 0.85≤z≤1.15 having a thickness in the range of from 1 μm to 16 μm and having >85 vol-% face-centered cubic (fcc) crystal structure. The Ti1-xAlxCyNz layer includes precipitations of Ti1-oAloCpNq at the grain boundaries of the Ti1-xAlxCyNz crystallites have a higher Al content than inside the crystallites, wherein 0.95≤o≤1.00, 0≤p≤0.10, 0.85≤q≤1.15 and (0−x)≥0.05.

    Cutting tool with textured alumina layer





    申请人: WALTER AG

    摘要: A coated cutting tool has a substrate of cemented carbide, cermet, ceramics, steel or cubic boron nitride and a multi-layered wear resistant coating deposited thereon has a total thickness from 4 to 25 μm. The multi-layered wear resistant coating includes a TiAlCN layer (a) represented by the formula Ti1-xAlxCyNz with 0.2≤x≤0.97, 0≤y≤0.25 and 0.7≤z≤1.15 deposited by CVD, and a κ-Al2O3 layer (b) of kappa aluminium oxide deposited by CVD immediately on top of the TiAlCN layer (a). The Ti1-AlxCyNz layer (a) has an overall fiber texture with the {111} plane growing parallel to the substrate surface and a {111} pole figure, measured over an angle range of 0°≤α≤80° and the κ-Al2O3 layer (b) has an overall fiber texture with the {002} plane growing parallel to the substrate surface and a {002} pole figure, over an angle range of 0°≤α≤80°.

    Coated cutting tool with h-AlN and Ti1-xAlxCyNz layers





    申请人: WALTER AG

    摘要: A coated cutting tool includes a substrate of cemented carbide, cermet, ceramics, steel or cubic boron nitride and a multi-layered wear resistant coating. The multi-layered wear resistant coating has a total thickness from 5 to 25 μm and includes refractory coating layers deposited by chemical vapour deposition (CVD) or moderate temperature chemical vapour deposition (MT-CVD). The multi-layered wear resistant coating has at least one pair of layers (a) and (b), with layer (b) being deposited immediately on top of layer (a). Layer (a) is a layer of aluminium nitride having hexagonal crystal structure (h-AlN) and a thickness from 10 nm to 750 nm. Layer (b) is a layer of titanium aluminium nitride or titanium aluminium carbonitride represented by the general formula Ti1-xAlxCyNz with 0.4≤x≤0.95, 0≤y≤0.10 and 0.85≤z≤1.15, having a thickness from 0.5 μm to 15 μm, and at least 90% of the Ti1-xAlxCyNz of layer (b) has a face-centered cubic (fcc) crystal structure.

    Coated cutting tool insert with MT-CVD TiCN on TiAI(C,N)





    申请人: WALTER AG

    摘要: A coated cutting tool includes a substrate of cemented carbide, cermet, ceramics, steel or cubic boron nitride, a multi-layered wear resistant coating and at least two refractory coating layers deposited. The at least two refractory coating layers include a first coating layer and a second coating layer deposited on top of each other. The first coating layer is titanium aluminum nitride or carbonitride Ti1-uAluCvNw, with 0.2≤u≤1.0, 0≤v≤0.25 and 0.7≤w≤1.15 deposited by CVD. The second coating layer is titanium carbonitride TixCyN1-y, with 0.85≤x≤1.1 and 0.4≤y≤0.85, and is deposited on top of the first coating layer by MT-CVD. The second TixCyN1-y coating layer has a columnar grain morphology and the overall fiber texture of the TixCyN1-y coating layer is characterized by a texture coefficient TC (1 1 1)>2.