Systems and methods are disclosed to search for a query image, by detecting local invariant features and local descriptors; retrieving best matching images by quantizing the local descriptors with a vocabulary tree; and reordering retrieved images with results from the vocabulary tree quantization.
Systems and methods are disclosed to search for a query image, by detecting local invariant features and local descriptors; retrieving best matching images by quantizing the local descriptors with a vocabulary tree; and reordering retrieved images with results from the vocabulary tree quantization.
Systems and methods are disclosed for determining personal characteristics from images by generating a baseline gender model and an age estimation model using one or more convolutional neural networks (CNNs); capturing correspondences of faces by face tracking, and applying incremental learning to the CNNs and enforcing correspondence constraint such that CNN outputs are consistent and stable for one person.
Systems and methods are disclosed for determining personal characteristics from images by generating a baseline gender model and an age estimation model using one or more convolutional neural networks (CNNs); capturing correspondences of faces by face tracking, and applying incremental learning to the CNNs and enforcing correspondence constraint such that CNN outputs are consistent and stable for one person.
Systems and methods are disclosed for generating a recommendation by performing collaborative filtering using an infinite dimensional matrix factorization; generating one or more recommendations using the collaborative filtering; and displaying the recommendations to a user.
Systems and methods are disclosed to predict one or more missing elements from a partially-observed matrix by receiving one or more user item ratings; generating a model parameterized by matrices U, S, V; applying the model to display an item based on one or more predicted missing elements; and applying the model at run-time and determining UiTSVj.
Systems and methods for classifying documents each having zero or more links thereto include generating a link matrix; generating a document term matrix; and jointly factorizing the document term matrix and the link matrix.
Systems and methods for classifying documents each having zero or more links thereto include generating a link matrix; generating a document term matrix; and jointly factorizing the document term matrix and the link matrix.
A system is disclosed with a collaborative filtering engine to predict an active user's ratings/interests/preferences on a set of new products/items. The predictions are based on an analysis the database containing the historical data of many users' ratings/interests/preferences on a large set of products/items.
A nearest-neighbor-based distance metric learning process includes applying an exponential-based loss function to provide a smooth objective; and determining an objective and a gradient of both hinge-based and exponential-based loss function in a quadratic time of the number of instances using a computer.