Method for pressure transport of methanol through a pipeline
    Method for pressure transport of methanol through a pipeline 失效





    IPC分类号: F17D1/14 B01J4/00 C23F15/00

    CPC分类号: C23F15/00 Y10T137/0318

    摘要: A method for the long-distance transport of a liquid of methanol or a solution of methanol and at least one organic compound other than methanol, under pressure, through a pipeline installation in which the portions of the pipeline installation that contact said liquid consist essentially of carbon steel and/or low alloy steel, the sum of whose metallic components other than Fe is up to 5 wt. %, in which the water content of said liquid is limited to (a) the range of 0 to 35 wt. % if the content of the formate radical in said liquid is up to 0.05 wt. %, (b) the range of 0.25 to 35 wt. % if the content of the formate radical in said liquid is in the range of 0.05 to 2 wt. % and (c) the range of 0 to 35 wt. % if the content of the formate radical in said liquid is in the range of 2 to 3 wt. %, so that said liquid is transported under pressure while the volume ratio of the formate radical to the water content is kept at a ratio that does not permit the presence of more than 3 wt. % of the formate radical in the liquid.

    摘要翻译: 一种用于在压力下通过管道装置长时间运送甲醇液体或甲醇和甲醇以外的至少一种有机化合物的方法,其中与所述液体接触的管道装置的部分基本上由 碳钢和/或低合金钢,其除Fe以外的金属成分的总和高达5wt。 %,其中所述液体的含水量限于(a)0至35重量%的范围。 %,如果所述液体中甲酸根的含量高达0.05wt。 %,(b)0.25〜35wt。 %,如果所述液体中甲酸根的含量在0.05-2重量%的范围内。 %,(c)0〜35重量%的范围。 %,如果所述液体中甲酸根的含量在2〜3重量%的范围内。 %,使得所述液体在压力下运输,同时甲酸基团与水含量的体积比保持不超过3重量%的比例。 液体中甲酸根的百分数。