High performance distributed system of record with key management





    摘要: A high-performance distributed ledger and transaction computing network fabric over which large numbers of transactions are processed concurrently in a scalable, reliable, secure and efficient manner. In one embodiment, the computing network fabric or “core” is configured to support a distributed blockchain network that organizes data in a manner that allows communication, processing and storage of blocks of the chain to be performed concurrently, with little synchronization, at very high performance and low latency, even when the transactions themselves originate from distant sources. This data organization relies on segmenting a transaction space within autonomous but cooperating computing nodes that are configured as a processing mesh. Secure transaction processing is facilitated by storing cryptographic key materials in secure and trusted computing environments associated with the computing nodes to facilitate construction mining proofs during the validation of a block.

    High performance distributed system of record with cryptographic service support





    摘要: A high-performance distributed ledger and transaction computing network fabric over which large numbers of transactions (involving the transformation, conversion or transfer of information or value) are processed concurrently in a scalable, reliable, secure and efficient manner. In one embodiment, the computing network fabric or “core” is configured to support a distributed blockchain network that organizes data in a manner that allows communication, processing and storage of blocks of the chain to be performed concurrently, with little synchronization, at very high performance and low latency, even when the transactions themselves originate from distant sources. This data organization relies on segmenting a transaction space within autonomous but cooperating computing nodes that are configured as a processing mesh. Each computing node typically is functionally-equivalent to all other nodes in the core. The nodes operate on blocks independently from one another while still maintaining a consistent and logically-complete view of the blockchain as a whole. According to another feature, secure transaction processing is facilitated by storing cryptographic key materials in secure and trusted computing environments associated with the computing nodes to facilitate construction of trust chains for transaction requests and their associated responses.

    Uniquely identifying and securely communicating with an appliance in an uncontrolled network





    摘要: A service consumer that utilizes a cloud-based access service provided by a service provider has associated therewith a network that is not capable of being controlled by the service provider. An enterprise connector is supported in this uncontrolled network, preferably as an appliance-based solution. According to this disclosure, the enterprise configures an appliance and then deploys it in the uncontrolled network. To this end, an appliance is required to proceed through a multi-stage approval protocol before it is accepted as a “connector” and is thus enabled for secure communication with the service provider. The multiple stages include a “first contact” (back to the service) stage, an undergoing approval stage, a re-generating identity material stage, and a final approved and configured stage. Unless the appliance passes through these stages, the appliance is not permitted to interact with the service as a connector. As an additional aspect, the service provides various protections for addressing scenarios wherein entities masquerade as approved appliances.

    Detection and Optimization of Content in The Payloads of API Messages





    IPC分类号: G06F9/54 G06N7/00

    摘要: A server in a content delivery network (CDN) can examine API traffic and extract therefrom content that can be optimized before it is served to a client. The server can apply content location instructions to a given API message to find such content therein. Upon finding an instance of such content, the server can verify the identity of the content by applying a set of content verification instructions. If verification succeeds, the server can retrieve an optimized version of the identified content and swap it into the API message for the original version. If an optimized version is not available, the server can initiate an optimization process so that next time the optimized version will be available. In some embodiments, an analysis service can assist by observing traffic from an API endpoint over time, detecting the format of API messages and producing the content location and verification instructions.

    Traffic delivery using anycast and end user-based mapping in an overlay network





    IPC分类号: H04L12/46 H04W4/02 H04L12/64

    摘要: An overlay network is enhanced to provide traffic delivery using anycast and end user mapping. An anycast IP address is associated with sets of forwarding machines positioned in the overlay network. These locations correspond with IP addresses for zero rated billing traffic. In response to receipt at a forwarding machine of a packet, the machine issues an end user mapping request to the mapping mechanism. The mapping request has an IP address associated with the client from which the end user request originates. The mapping mechanism resolves the request and provides a response to the request. The response is an IP address associated with a set of server machines distinct from the forwarding machine. The forwarding machine encapsulates the packet and proxies the connection to the identified server. The server receives the connection, decapsulates the request, and processes the packet. The server machine responds to the requesting client directly.






    发明人: Byung K. Choi

    IPC分类号: G06F9/48 G06F9/50

    摘要: Among other things, this document describes systems, methods and devices for performance testing and dynamic placement of computing tasks in a distributed computing environment. In embodiments, a given client request is forwarded up a hierarchy of nodes, or across tiers in the hierarchy. A particular computing node in the system self-determines to perform a computing task to generate (or help generate) particular content for a response to the client. The computing node injects its identifier into the response indicating that it performed those tasks; the identifier is transmitted to the client with particular content. The client runs code that assesses the performance of the system from the client's perspective, e.g., in servicing the request, and beacons this performance data, along with the aforementioned identifier, to a system intelligence component. The performance information may be used to dynamically place and improve the placement of the computing task(s).

    Device discovery for cloud-based network security gateways





    摘要: Among other things, this document describes systems, methods and devices for discovering and identifying client devices that attempt to access out-of-policy network services via a secure web gateway (or other network security gateway) that lacks visibility into the client network actual IP space. This is a common problem with cloud hosted SWG services that enforce access policy from outside of a customer network (e.g., external to an enterprise network), due to network address translation at the interface between the customer network and the public Internet where the cloud-hosted SWG resides. The teachings hereof address this problem. In one embodiment, a cloud hosted SWG can redirect a client to a bouncer device inside the customer network; that bouncer device can capture the actual client IP address.