An apparatus for dispensing a selected grade of motor fuel (each grade having a different octane rating) has an array of operating pushbuttons a selected one of which may be actuated (the selection being made according to the grade of fuel desired) to start the dispensing operation. Upon the actuation of a pushbutton, certain instrumentalities in the apparatus are energized or released to (among other things) select gearing in the apparatus appropriate to the grade selected, reset the counter or register to zero, set a control valve to a predetermined position, and start up the pump to cause the dispensing of fuel to begin. All of these functions are performed automatically, i.e., without any further human intervention, once the pushbutton has been actuated. Upon the termination of the actual dispensing, electrical instrumentalities are automatically activated to carry out certain resetting operations, prior to the next dispensing operation. The dispensing apparatus is particularly suitable for a self-service type of operation.