Machine destinee a former des feuilles metalliques ductiles en les transformant en corps formes ayant une premiere et une seconde chambres annulaires a extremites ouvertes (3, 13) qui sont relativement mobiles tout en faisant coincider leurs extremites ouvertes (5, 12) l'une par rapport a l'autre, entre une position dans laquelle les extremites ouvertes se rencontrent (Figs. 2, 3 et 4) et une position dans laquelle les extremites ouvertes sont espacees l'une de l'autre (Fig. 1), une plaque (18) dans au moins 1, une des chambres (13) etant mobile independamment des deux chambres dans des directions paralleles aux directions du mouvement relatif entre les chambres, entre une premiere position (Fig. 2) dans laquelle elle constitue une base de fermeture etanche au gaz pour une chambre (13) et une seconde position (Fig. 4) dans laquelle elle est adjacente a l'extremite ouverte (12) de cette chambre.
L'invention concerne un procédé de pilotage d'une machine de formage superplastique pour l'impression d'une forme à une tôle, la machine comprenant : un couvercle; une cuve; une presse et un joint périphérique pour le maintien par pincement de la tôle à sa périphérie et pour l'étanchéité d'une chambre de formage sous pression délimitée par la tôle; des organes de chauffage direct de la tôle par rayonnement, agencés en regard de la tôle; un automate de contrôle. Le procédé est caractérisé en ce qu'il comprend; la détermination (201) d'une configuration initiale de chauffage; une simulation par éléments finis (202) portant sur la température de la tôle et effectuée de façon à avoir une température sensiblement homogène sur la tôle et sensiblement constante au cours du formage, pour l'obtention (204) d'une recette de formage comprenant au moins un cycle de puissance des organes de chauffage et un cycle de pression de la chambre de formage; programmation (207) de l'automate de contrôle en fonction de la recette de formage fournie par la simulation précédente.
The invention relates to the field of metal pressure processing using diffusion welding and superplastic forming. In accordance with a given stencil drawing, a protective coating is pre-applied to areas where the surfaces of skin and core preforms come into contact. The skin preforms are provided with a groove and the core preform is provided with a slot for the installation of at least one tube. The packet assembly is hermetically sealed along the edges, with the exception of the point for installation of the at least one tube. The tube is installed so as to be connected to a collector zone, and oxygen is removed from the cavities in the packet assembly, as is a binding agent of the protective coating. The packet assembly is fully hermetically sealed and heated, and diffusion welding is carried out on the preforms in specified areas, including along an inlet edge, an outlet edge and a peripheral edge. The whole structural preform is given an aerodynamic profile, and superplastic forming is carried out by means of feeding a working medium into the cavities between the skin and core preforms, also using the at least one tube. The collector zone is positioned on the side of the packet assembly which corresponds to the peripheral edge of a blade. For the purposes of the installation of one or a plurality of tubes intended for feeding working medium during superplastic forming, the groove in the skin preforms and the slot in the core preform are provided at a distance from the outer boundary of the inlet edge or outlet edge of less than L/3, where L is the length of the blade chord along the peripheral edge. It is thus possible to eliminate the risk of defects during blade forming without detriment to the operational properties of the blade and without increasing the labor intensity of producing same.
Изобретение относится к области обработки металлов давлением, а именно, к способам изготовления полой вентиляторной лопатки из титанового сплава. Осуществляют обработку заготовок обшивок с оформлением участков, подлежащих соединению с заготовкой наполнителя в виде выступов с плоской в поперечном сечении поверхностью, и соответственно участков, не подлежащие соединению с заготовкой наполнителя в виде пазов. Наносят на поверхность участков заготовок, не подлежащих соединению покрытия, препятствующего соединению. Осуществляют сборку заготовок обшивок и наполнителя в пакет и диффузионную сварку заготовок обшивок и наполнителя. После чего пакету заготовок придают аэродинамический профиль и формируют ребра жесткости сверхпластической штамповкой. Повышается качество соединения диффузионной сварки заготовок обшивок и наполнителя, упрощается и снижается трудоёмкость.
A component is formed by welding a plurality of sheets (802, 804) of metal to form a blank with a number of weld nuggets (918), placing the blank between a die section and a lid section, heating the die section to heat the blank, and introducing a pressurized gas between the lid section and the die section to press the blank into a mold in the die section to form a component. The number of weld nuggets (918) has a desired thickness ratio between about 1.1 to about 1.25 such that the plurality of sheets (802, 804) of metal and the component formed have a number of characteristics that are substantially the same.
The present invention relates to a tool portion for a forming tool and a method for manufacturing such a tool portion. The tool portion comprises a material piece (2, 21) which has a specifically shaped surface (4, 4') and a material layer (8, 8') which is formed after the specifically shaped surface (4, 41) of the material pieces (2, 2') during a superplastic forming process. The material layer (8, 8') comprises a surface (9, 9') which is in- tended to come in contact with and form blanks which are formed by means of the tool portion.
The invention relates to metal forming, more specifically, to methods for producing titanium alloy articles by superplastic shaping and diffusion welding. The inventive method is particularly suitable for aviation engine building for producing a fan blade-type part. The inventive method for producing an article by superplastic shaping and diffusion welding from at least two titanium alloy blanks consists in designating connectable and not-connectable sections on the surface of at least one blank, in assembling the blanks into a packet, in heating said packet to a specified temperature (T), in exposing it to a specified pressure (p) in such a way that the blanks are connected to each other by diffusion welding and a semi-finished product is obtained, in heating and supplying a pressurised working medium into the semi-finished product internal cavity for superplastically shaping at least one blank in such a way that a desirably shaped article is produced. Said method differs from known methods in that the diffusion welding is carried out through titanium alloy plates whose flow stress is less than the blank flow stress, mainly, when the article is made from at least three blanks and a connection preventing material is applied to the non-connectable sections of at least one part of at least one blank surface.
A method of forming a workpiece (18) comprises: holding the workpiece adjacent a mould (20); using a laser (30) to heat at least a part of the workpiece to a temperature sufficient to induce superplasticity; and applying a fluid pressure to the workpiece, so that it takes the shape of the mould. This has the advantage that the superplastic properties of the material can be used to form the workpiece precisely to the required shape, without needing to heat all of the processing chamber to the superplastic temperature. Before using the laser to heat the workpiece to its superplastic temperature, the laser can be used to heat the whole of the workpiece to a substantially uniform temperature to anneal it. Similarly, after using the laser to superplastically form the workpiece, the laser is used to heat the whole of the workpiece to a substantially uniform temperature to remove any residual stresses. This has the advantage that the whole of the forming can be carried out as a single process, in a single processing apparatus.
Some metals, for example magnesium alloy, require pre-heating prior to fabrication processes such as forming. A conventional pre-heating practice of placing these metals in furnaces is time-consuming. An alternative practice of pre-heating the die of a forming maching may result in shortening the lifespan of the die or lowering the productivity of a production line. The invention achieves shorter heating time and reduces thermal shock induced, by heating the metal progressively using a heating apparatus. The heating process of a metal is segregated: first, by heating a second portion of a metal by conducting heat from a first portion of the metal that is being heated, and next, by directly heating the partially heated second protion of the metal to a formable temperature.
A method of creep forming a metallic component is provided. The method includes the steps of applying static loading and cyclic loading and/or vibration to the component during the creep forming thereof to act as a source of additional energy.