Die Erfindung betrifft ein Kanalsystem zur Ableitung von Küchenabluft. Hier besteht das Problem, dass es in einem Rohrleitungssystem zu Ablagerungen von Fetten und Ölen kommt. Daher muss das Rohrleitungssystem regelmäßig kontrolliert und gegebenenfalls gereinigt werden, damit die Brandgefahr vermindert wird. Um den Überwachungsaufwand zu reduzieren, wird vorgeschlagen, dass in dem Rohrleitungssystem mindestens ein Sensor zur Bestimmung von Fettablagerungen auf inneren Wandungen des Rohrleitungssystems angeordnet ist.
Embodiments of the invention generally provide methods for end point detection at predetermined dopant concentrations during plasma doping processes. In one embodiment, a method includes positioning a substrate within a process chamber, generating a plasma above the substrate and transmitting a light generated by the plasma through the substrate, wherein the light enters the topside and exits the backside of the substrate, and receiving the light by a sensor positioned below the substrate. The method further provides generating a signal proportional to the light received by the sensor, implanting the substrate with a dopant during a doping process, generating multiple light signals proportional to a decreasing amount of the light received by the sensor during the doping process, generating an end point signal proportional to the light received by the sensor once the substrate has a final dopant concentration, and ceasing the doping process.
Настоящее изобретение относится к области медицины, в частности онкологии, и молекулярной биологии и может быть использовано для ранней диагностики патологий предстательной железы, включая рак предстательной железы, неинвазивным методом. Сущность изобретения: заключается в использовании в качестве вещества для проверки качества реакции в тест-системе рекомбинантного белка хепсин, продуцированного из штамма-продуцента pHPNTM A № B-100978, с использованием при проверке и постановке реакции в качества реакционного буфера 0,1M трис-имидазол, а в качестве субстрата - тетрапептида L-лизин P 2 Р 3 L- аргинин, где P 2 - L-аспарагин или L-лейцин или L-треонин, P 3 - L-лизин или L-глутамин, коньюгированного с хромогеном, и в суждении о наличии рака предстательной железы и его стадии по активности хепсина Ao в нмoль/л*ч, определяемой по среднему значению ΔЕо/мин скорости изменения в минуту оптической плотности обработанного образца мочи с добавленными в него субстратом и реакционным буфером, при этом из результатов анализа, проведенного при помощи тест-системы, исключаются результаты, полученные в условиях, когда активность контрольного хепсина Ак, проверенная при помощи этой же тест-системы, отличалась от ее эталонных значений Аэ более чем на 10%.
A robotic optical sedimentation recorder for the recordation of carbon flux in the oceans wherein both POC and PIC particles are captured at the open end of a submersible sampling platform, captured particles allowed to drift down onto a collection plate where they can be imaged over time. Particles are imaged using three separate light sources, activated in sequence, including a back light, a side light to provide dark field illumination, and a cross polarized light source to illuminate birefringent particles. The recorder may be attached to a buoyancy unit which is capable of bringing the sedimentation recorder to a programmed depth below the ocean surface during recordation mode, and returning the unit to the ocean surface for transmission of recorded data and receipt of new instructions. The combined unit comprises a power source and is designed to operate autonomously in the ocean for extended periods of time.
A method for testing a microbial population including a negative screen includes inoculating a plurality of test ampoules with respective samples and recording a time of the inoculation (102a), performing a first light transmittance test on the test ampoules (103a), recording first test data, performing a second light transmittance test on the test ampoules (106a), recording second test data, and detecting negative samples based on the first test data and the second test data and the time of inoculation (107a).
A spatial frequency optical measurement instrument (100) is provided according to the invention. The instrument (100) includes a spatial frequency mask (120) positioned in a light path and configured to encode light with spatial frequency information, a light receiver (140) positioned to receive the light encoded with the spatial frequency information, wherein the light encoded with the spatial frequency information has been interacted with a sample material, and a processing system (180) coupled to the light receiver (140) and configured to determine a change in the spatial frequency information due to the interaction of the light with the sample material.
The present invention relates to a flow cell (10) comprising a fluid inlet (16) and a fluid outlet (18) separated by a sample flow-through chamber (12) comprising at least one UV- transparent window (22'), wherein the at least one UV-transparent window (22') is made of a polymer material and has been subjected to Gamma radiation sterilisation. In one aspect, the flow cell is combustible.
The present invention relates to a flow cell (10) comprising a fluid inlet (16) and a fluid outlet (18) separated by a sample flow-through chamber (12) comprising at least one UV- transparent window (22'), wherein the at least one UV-transparent window (22') is made of a polymer material and has been subjected to Gamma radiation sterilisation. In one aspect, the flow cell is combustible.
A transmissometer for determining of a light beam (2) in the atmosphere is disclosed. The transmissometer comprises a light source (4) including light emitting diodes (LED) controlled by a printed circuit board, and a light detector (6) for providing output signals representing an input optical signal.