A data entry device for entering predetermined characters by the finger of a user and converting the characters into a sequence of electronic signals representing the entered characters, that comprises a touch sensitive zone (2) on an outer surface, a processor. (58) coupled to the touch sensitive zone,(2) for sensing the zone (2) is touched, the processor (58) is programmed to recognize predetermined elementary finger movements and combinations thereof and to associate each of them with a character, wherein a closed boundary (10) is defined on the surface of the device above a portion of the touch sensitive zone (2) that has at least one haptic property differing from the haptic properties of the surrounding area, whereby the finger can definitely sense when the boundary (10) is touched; and the boundary (10) has an interior area constituting a data - entry field (11) that has a centre region (16) which has at least one haptic property differing from the haptic properties of the portion beyond the centre region (16), whereby the finger when touching the centre zone (16) can sense being on the centre region (16), and the processor (58) is programmed so as to recognize when the centre region (i6) is touched for a predetermined duration by the finger and interprets this event as the beginning of the entry of a character and from that moment starts observing and analyzing the combination of the elementary finger movements as long as the finger touches the data entry field (11), and when the finger has finished touching the data entry field (11) this is interpreted by the processor (58) as the end of the entry of the character, wherein the elementary finger movements, can be radial movements between the centre zone (16) and one of a plurality of predetermined discrete special positions along the boundary (10) in both directions and arced movements along the boundary (10) from one special position to a neighbouring special position.
Methods and apparatus for menu navigation and selection are described. The apparatus comprises a keyboard having a plurality of keys for a user to enter information by interacting with one or more of the plurality of keys, and a multi-function key having a touch sensitive portion for the user to enter position information by a touch or gesture input or enter information via user interaction with the multi-function key. A processing system is coupled to the keyboard for processing the user entered information and user entered position information from the keyboard and a display coupled to the processing system for displaying the user entered information and a menu of options related to the user entered information. The user enters position information to navigate through the menu of options and selects an option from the menu of options by user entered interaction with the multi-function key.
휴먼 인터페이스 장치에 있어서, 사용자로부터 텍스트 입력을 받는 단계, 포인팅 위치 정보 입력모드로 전환하는 단계, 사용자로부터 포인팅 위치 정보를 입력받는 단계, 상기 휴먼 인터페이스 장치를 텍스트 입력 모드로 전환하는 단계를 포함하고 상기 텍스트 입력 영역과 포인팅 위치 정보 입력 영역은 적어도 일부분 공통으로 갖는 것을 특징으로 하는 휴먼 인터페이스 장치.
Die Erfindung betrifft die Steuerung von Gerätefunktionen über physikalische Tasten. Insbesondere betrifft die Erfindung die Steuerung von Funktionen eines Informations- und Kommunikationssystems in einem Fahrzeug anhand physikalischer Tasten. Es wird eine Steuereinheit (131 ) für ein Informations- und Kommunikationssystem eines Fahrzeugs beschrieben. Die Steuereinheit (131) ist eingerichtet, eine Abfolge von Sensorsignalen unterschiedlicher Näherungssensoren (122, 322) von entsprechenden unterschiedlichen mechanischen Funktionstasten (121, 321) zu empfangen; wobei den mechanischen Funktionstasten (121, 321) entsprechende erste Funktionen des Informations- und Kommunikationssystems des Fahrzeugs zugeordnet sind; wobei jede der mechanischen Funktionstasten (121, 321 ) eingerichtet ist, die entsprechende zugeordnete Funktion bei Betätigung der Funktionstaste (121, 321 ) auszulösen. Weiter ist die Steuereinheit (131) eingerichtet, aus der Abfolge von Sensorsignalen ein Wisch-Ereignis über den mechanischen Funktionstasten ( 121, 321 ) zu detektieren; wobei ein Wisch-Ereignis umfasst, dass die Abfolge von Sensorsignalen den Sensorsignalen von Näherungssensoren (122, 322) entsprechender benachbarter mechanischer Funktionstasten (121, 131 ) entspricht. Weiter ist die Steuereinheit (131) eingerichtet, wenn ein Wisch-Ereignis detektiert wird, den mechanischen Funktionstasten (121, 131) entsprechende zweite Funktionen des Informations- und Kommunikationssystems zuzuordnen.
본 발명은 위치 정보 입력이 가능한 키보드 및 이를 포함하는 키보드 시스템을 공개한다. 본 발명은 키패드가 설치된 키보드의 측면에 초음파 수신부 및 기준신호 수신부를 설치하고, 전자펜에서 발생되는 기준신호 및 초음파신호를 수신하여 전자펜의 위치를 측정함으로써, 키보드를 이용하여 키 입력 정보 및 위치 정보를 동시에 스마트패드 또는 노트북 컴퓨터와 같은 전자기기로 입력할 수 있다.
본 발명은 노트북이나 넷북 등에 마우스 입력장치 대용으로 사용되는 터치 패드 기능을 구비한 복합 입력장치에 관한 것으로서, 다양한 호스트 시스템에 구비되어 사용자로부터 조작력을 받아 상기 호스트 시스템의 기능을 조작하기 위한 버튼 입력장치에 있어서, 다수의 버튼이 구비된 키패드;와, 상기 키패드 하부에 위치하는 다수의 돔스위치가 형성된 돔시트;와, 상기 돔시트 하부에 상기 돔스위치와의 접촉에 의해 전기신호를 발생시키는 접촉단자 및 일방향으로 간극을 이루며 배열 형성된 전도성의 제1전극을 포함하는 제1전극패널;과, 상기 제1전극패널과 직교하는 방향으로 간극을 이루며 배열 형성된 전도성의 제2전극을 포함하는 제2전극패널;과, 상기 전극패널 하부에 터치조작에 의해 상기 제1전극 및 제2전극에서 발생하는 정전용량 변화값을 측정하여 터치조작 및 터치조작의 제 1방향과 제 2방향의 움직임을 감지하여 이차원 적인 터치 조작의 변화량을 할 수 있는 전기적 신호를 발생시키는 정전용량측정부 및 누름 또는 터치조작이 이루어지면 조작 여부에 따라 상기 호스트 시스템의 기능을 제어하는 제어부가 구비된 회로기판;을 포함하여서 버튼조작과 터치 조작을 동시에 수행할 수 있는 것을 특징으로 한다. 이에 의해, 구조적으로 간단하며 터치 기능과 버튼입력 기능을 동시에 수행하여서 한층 더 높은 편의성을 구비한 복합 입력장치를 제공할 수 있다.
Methods and computing devices provide the capability of revealing the value or function assigned to particular keys in a keypad or keyboard by an application running on a computing device. A touch or near touch of a key prompts the presentation or display of the value or function presently assigned to the touched or nearly touched key. The key function assignment may be presented in a portion of the display so as to not block other graphics and text in the display. The process for generating a display of the function or value assigned to a touched or nearly touched key may be performed by a keypad protocol receiving key configurations from the application.
The present disclosure relates generally to an input device, more specifically a small footprint keyboard with touch pad functionality. By disposing the touchpad and the mouse keys in the lower part and surrounded by the first and the second group one achieves a substantial ergonomic advantage in that the frequently used QWERTY keys are accessible while at the same time the touch pad is within reach of any finger.
A notebook computer of convenient operation is disclosed. The notebook computer includes a base and top head which is fixed on the base wherein the base including a keyboard and the top head including LCD screen. The keyboard includes button sets and a touch pad. The part or all of touch pad extends into button sets upward. The width of touch pad extending into button sets account for over 1/4 of the width of the touch pad. The touch pad has mouse point and button symbols putting double function, and the touch pad is printed button symbols of part button instead of keyboard sets. A switching button of the mouse putting and the button symbolsputting is underside of the touch pad or left and right the touch pad.