An aquaculture system can include stacked growth trays. Animals, such as shrimp, can be transferred between the growth trays for different stages of growth. Waste water can be removed from the growth trays and can be processed by a water treatment system. Treated water can be returned to the growth trays. A valve in a first configuration can permit water to circulate through the growth tray, while impeding the animals from exiting the growth tray. In a second configuration, the valve can permit the animals to exit the growth tray, such as for transition to a subsequent growth tray. A sweeper system can be used for cleaning and/or mixing the water in the growth tray, and/or for pushing the animals out of the growth tray during a transition.
The present invention relates to a device for automatically producing crustaceans for food comprising a hatchery vessel or medium, a water circulating motor, a water reserve tank, a dosage system of the crustacean cysts or eggs, a compartment with a collection system, a lighting system, and a final product supply system.
The invention relates to an apparatus and a process for cultivating and harvesting aquatic animals and macroalgae together in a device which in its center consists of a central work platform from which loop-shaped carrying lines are fastened at two depths. In the top layer, algae that require light are grown and in the lower layer, filter feeding animals are grown. Nitrogen rich substances released by the filtering animals act as fertilizers for the nearby macroalgae to maximize growth. Under the cultivation, animals are cultured that lives on sinking organic material from the culture above. The invention also includes a biological nitrogen removal system and a fish farming system under the central hub where the fish are fed with feed produced from the filtering animals.
A method of depurating shellfish, by taking decontaminated seawater, uncontaminated seawater, brackish water or water with sufficient salinity to support shellfish, holding the shellfish and the water in a container (21), lagoon or other body of water separate from the sea, and allowing the shellfish to feed, for a sufficient time for the any viruses and bacteria to be expelled or deactivated. Shellfish feed in the form of active or inactive phytoplankton or other substance on which shellfish may feed may be added to the water.
본 발명에 따른 쉘터 모듈 및 패류를 위한 쉘터는 간격유지부재에 의해 플레이트가 지지되면서 호 형상 또는 원형으로 굽혀지고, 이를 통해 플레이트 내부의 용적이 최대로 형성되게 하여 보다 많은 개체수의 패류를 양식할 수 있고, 연결모듈을 통해 상하방향으로 다수개의 쉘터모듈을 적층할 수 있기 때문에, 한정적인 해수면 아래에서 보다 많은 개체수의 패류를 양식할 수 있는 효과가 있다.
Um der existierenden Vinasseproblematik, insbesondere bei der Herstellung von Bioethanol aus pflanzlichen Rohstoffen, umfassend zu begegnen, wird ein Verfahren zur Produktion von Futtermittel aus Krebstieren der Gattung Artemia (Salzkrebsen) oder Copepoda (Ruderfußkrebse) oder Daphnia (Wasserflöhe) oder aus Kleinlebewesen in Form von Rotifera oder Protozoa vorgeschlagen, welches sich dadurch auszeichnet, dass die Krebstier-/Kleinlebewesen-Kulturen zumindest teilweise mit Vinasse, vorzugsweise Dünnvinasse, insbesondere aus der Bioethanolproduktion, und den darin enthaltenen Hefen gefüttert werden. Hierbei wird gleichzeitig ein Verfahren zur Verarbeitung von Vinasse bereitgestellt, welches sich entsprechend dadurch auszeichnet, dass die Vinasse als Futter für Krebstier-/Kleinlebewesen-Kulturen und/oder für Algen-Kulturen verwendet wird, um die darin enthaltene Hefe zumindest teilweise abzubauen. In diesem Zusammenhang wird weiterhin vorgeschlagen, dass bei der Vinasseproduktion, insbesondere im Zuge der Bioethanolgewinnung, erzeugte Prozesswärme zum Erwärmen von Wasser für die Krebstier-/Kleinlebewesen- und/oder Algenzucht verwendet wird, um den thermischen Energiegehalt der Vinasse sinnvoll zu nutzen.
An improvement is described for the processing of biological material in a continuous stream by the application of radiant energy taken from the wavelengths from infrared to ultraviolet, and its absorbtion by a feedstock in a workspace of featuring controlled turbulence created by one or more counter-rotating disk impellers. The absorbed energy and the controlled turbulence patterns create a continuous process of productive change in a feed into the reactor, with separated light and heavy product output streams flowing both inward and outward from the axis in radial counterflow. The basic mechanism of processing can be applied to a wide range of feedstocks, from the promotion of the growth of algae to make biofuel or other forms of aquaculture, to a use in the controlled combustion of organic material to make biochar.
오염물질을 효과적으로 외부로 배출하여 오염도를 낮추고 새우의 생육환경을 개선함으로써 새우의 생존율을 높일 수 있고,가용 새우 서식공간의 비율을 높여서 생산성을 제고할 수 있는 새우 양식장과,그 시공방법. 경계 (100A-100D) 내부에는 적어도 하나의 칸막이 (110-150)가 소정 간격으로 이격되어 설치되어 상기 경계 (100A-100D) 내부의 공간이 다수의 새우 양식조 (200-700)로 적어도 부분적으로 분할되도록 한다.각 양식조에서는,해당 양식조의 길이 방향으로 연장되어 분리막 (210)이 설치되어, 양식조 내에 순환수로가 형성될 수 있도록 한다.순환수로를 따라서,적어도 하나의 침전지 (220,250)가 형성된다.이에 따라,양식조들이 해수로 채워진 상태에서 소정의 수류 형성장치에 의해 상기 순환수로 내에 수류가 형성되고, 침전지 내에 침전되는 오염물질은 펌프에 의해 외부로 배출될 수 있다..
Therefore, the device (01) according to the invention has climbing aids (08) in the form of guide profiles (09), which are fastened to the offshore construction (02) in the vertical, horizontal, and/or diagonal direction at least in some sections and/or continuously. The guide profiles (09) are preferably designed as rib-shaped flat profiles (10) and further structured by flat transverse profiles (12), which are also used for making breeding places. The flat profiles (10) can be made of construction steel and are simply welded to the offshore construction (2) during production or installation. The guide profiles (09) can also form circumferential one-piece or multi-piece spirals. Structural collars (17) having nets (18) or grates (20) arranged between two openable annular guide profiles (15) can also be formed. In addition, pipe elements (24) and connecting elements (25) can be provided in order to further improve attractiveness. By means of the device (01) according to the invention, artificial offshore constructions (02), such as wind turbines, can be sustainably developed in the underwater area (32) as additional living space for vagile hard epifauna and efficiently used in a secondary manner.
A prawn production installation (10) for the intensive production of prawns includes at least one seawater purification installation (12) for the purification of incoming seawater, one or more acclimation tanks (16), one or more raceways (18) provided with circulation means for circulating water in the raceways at a rate of about, 3-9 cm/sec; one or more grow-out tanks (20) and at least one- water treatment installation (32) for treating water from the grow-out tanks. The or each water treatment installation has at least one anaerobic treatment zone and at least one aerobic treatment zone and at least the acclimation tanks, the raceways and the grow-out tanks are housed in closed structures.