Invention Grant
- Patent Title: Cell analyzer
- Patent Title (中): 细胞分析仪
Application No.: US377930Application Date: 1989-07-11
Publication No.: US5408307APublication Date: 1995-04-18
- Inventor: Koji Yamamoto , Masahiro Hanafusa , Michio Nishimura , Yoshihiro Nakatsuji , Fumio Onuma , Shinichi Hirako , Kunio Kaede
- Applicant: Koji Yamamoto , Masahiro Hanafusa , Michio Nishimura , Yoshihiro Nakatsuji , Fumio Onuma , Shinichi Hirako , Kunio Kaede
- Applicant Address: JPX Kyoto
- Assignee: Omron Tateisi Electronics Co.
- Current Assignee: Omron Tateisi Electronics Co.
- Current Assignee Address: JPX Kyoto
- Priority: JPX63-172096 19880711; JPX63-191538 19880729; JPX63-193072 19880801; JPX63-193033 19880802; JPX63-202410 19880812
- Main IPC: G01N15/00
- IPC: G01N15/00 ; G01N15/14 ; G01N21/00 ; C12Q1/00
In a cell analyze apparatus, a light beam is irradiated onto cells (or particles like the cells) flowing through a flow cell so as to measure cell light information for each cell with respect to a plurality of parameters (for example, the forward scattered light intensity, the right angle scattered light intensity and the intensity of fluorescence by different dye). Based on a minimal point of a histogram associated with the cell light information with respect to one or more parameters, the cell population is subdivided into fractions. When the minimal point is missing in the histogram, the parameters above are converted by use of a predetermined conversion expression (for example, a coordinate conversion is effected on the parameters) such that a minimal point is detected from the histogram of cell light information related to the new parameters obtained by the conversion, thereby subdividing an objective cell population.
Public/Granted literature
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