Method of electrolessly plating nickel on tubulars
Tubulars are immersed in electroless nickel coating solution to coat the tubulars. Prior to the coating step the tubulars are blasted with a clean medium and washed and rinsed in alkaline solution. The tubulars are arranged in a bunk for washing, rinsing and coating. LLDPE stretch wrap applied to outer portions of the tubulars prevents coating of the outer portions. The tubulars are electrically separated from the bunk and the coating solution tank, and the tank is provided with anodic protection to prevent coating of the tank. The bunk is provided with a header assembly to provide solution flow through the tubulars via nozzles on the header assembly in addition to flow caused by the vortex effect created by velocity of fluid exiting the nozzles. The bunk is arranged in the solution tank so that the tubulars are at an angle to horizontal to efficiently remove hydrogen gas. Solution flow to the header assembly is filtered to remove particulates.