A recursive VHDL compiler and a method of designing a logic circuit to be manufactured by means of a VHDL compiler. The method is adapted for designing hardware logic circuits that perform recursive computations. According to the design method, an indexing parameter is established. For values of the indexing parameter extending from a desired value to a minimum value, a recursive logic circuit is defined for a current value of the indexing parameter as interconnections between predefined logic circuits and one or more instances of the recursive logic circuit with the indexing parameter less than the current value. A base logic circuit is also defined for the minimum value of the indexing parameter. The definitions of the recursive logic circuits and base logic circuits are then processed for the desired value of the indexing parameter to produce a definition of the recursive logic circuit for the desired value of the indexing parameter in terms of predefined logic circuits.
A method and apparatus for performing cryptographic computations employing recursive algorithms to accelerate multiplication and squaring operations. Products and squares of long integer values are recursively reduced to a combination of products and squares reduced-length integer values in a host processor. The reduced-length integer values are passed to a co-processor. The values may be randomly ordered to prevent disclosure of secret data.
A method and apparatus for performing cryptographic computations employing recursive algorithms to accelerate multiplication and squaring operations. Products and squares of long integer values are recursively reduced to a combination of products and squares reduced-length integer values in a host processor. The reduced-length integer values are passed to a co-processor. The values may be randomly ordered to prevent disclosure of secret data.
Bei einem Verfahren zur Durchführung einer Multiplikations- oder Divisionsoperation X·K bzw. X·1/K in einer elektronischen Schaltung wird in einem Software-Schaltungsbereich (50) der Schaltung eine Stellenverschiebung sv berechnet, derart, dass p sv ein Näherungswert für K ist. Der Wert X wird in einem Hardware-Schaltungsbereich (80) bei einer Multiplikation um sv Stellen nach links bzw. bei einer Division um sv Stellen nach rechts verschoben. Im Software Schaltungsbereich (50) wird ein geeigneter Korrekturfaktor Kf berechnet. Der Wert X wird mit dem Korrekturfaktor Kf multipliziert.
A method and apparatus (20) for performing cryptographic computations employing recursive algorithms to accelerate multiplication and squaring operations. Products and squares of long integer values (24) are recursively reduced to a combination of products and squares reduced-length integer values in a host processor (22). The reduced-length integer values are passed to a co-processor (24). The values may be randomly ordered to prevent disclosure of secret data.
A method for designing a system on a target device includes identifying components in a netlist that perform a division operation. The netlist is modified during synthesis to utilize other components to compute a result of the division operation by performing a multiplication operation.