An input/output controller (39) is provided in a data processing system having a local memory bus (37), a main memory (35) coupled to this bus and a host central processing unit (33) also coupled to the bus. The input/output controller (39) interfaces a plurality of input/output devices to the local memory bus (37) and includes a plurality of input/output device controllers (41,43,45), each adapted to be connected to at least one input/output device. A single microprocessor (49) manages the operations of the input/output controller (39) and a single buffer memory (47) stores a program of instructions for the microprocessor and temporarily stores data passing to or from the input/output devices. A gate array (51) for interfaces the input/output device controllers (41,43,45) to the local memory bus (37).
A data processing system including processing elements (22) and a central memory (10) has an input/output system for handling high data flow rates comprising an I/O processor (23) providing serial lines (31) to a plurality of peripheral subsystems (30), the I/O processor comprising a dynamic channel exchange coupling the serial lines to at least one serial channel processor (20). Processor (20) includes arithmetic logic means, a scratch-pad, a buffer for data transfer between the dynamic channel exchange and the central memory, and a control store having a plurality of routines for implementing a method of communication between the I/O processor and the peripheral subsystems. The method of communication involving polling the ith serial channel for a peripheral ready indication, establishing a message exchange for communication if a peripheral ready indication is detected, checking for a processor element request for communication with a peripheral subsystem, and providing a message exchange for an initial communication across the corresponding bit line to the peripheral subsystem.
A peripheral interface system is disclosed. An input-output processor is provided to receive input-output commands from a central processing unit. Up to four multiplexing units may be connected to the input-output processor, with each multiplexing unit providing an interface for up to four controller units, which may be used to control a peripheral device. The multiplexing unit includes a pair of data buffers, each with its own addressing circuit, and each functionally divided into four storage areas, each storage . area providing four registers to store four parcels of data. Data is transferred between the input-output processor and ' the controller units by filling the storage area in a buffer from the local memory of the input-output processor in a serial fashion over a DMA channel provided between the multiplexer and the local memory. Data transferred from the storage area in the multiplexer to a controller is sent one parcel every four clock periods, according to a scanner/time slot synchronization scheme between the multiplexer and the up to four controllers which may be connected thereto. Similarly, data parcels are transferred from the controller to the multiplexer on a scanner/time slot basis, and from the storage area of the multiplexer to the memory in a serial, consecutive fashion over the DMA channel. In operation, the buffers of the multiplexer are alternately filled and emptied such that one may be filling while the other one is emptying. A pair of buffers are also provided in the controller unit, which also may be alternately filled and emptied as between the peripheral device and the multiplexer.
As an example of a peripheral processing complex coupled to a central processor, there is disclosed a document distribution terminal which can be required to process large volumes of data. To do this rapidly and efficiently, the terminal (10 to 16) is organized to process all of the data in specialized peripheral devices (12 to 15). The supervising central processing unit (20) controls the terminal but does not perform any data processing. The functions of entering data, scanning documents, encrypting data, compressing data, transceiving data, decompressing data, decrypting data and printing data are all performed in parallel by specialized devices working directly with a shared memory (16). A peripheral processing controller (10) initialized by the central processing unit controls time-shared access to the memory by the specialized devices, incorporates the memory address registers of the devices 12 to 15 and processes the modification of the contents thereof to attain parallel and sequential processing of the data in shared storage by the initialized devices in a mode selected by the central processing unit.
A system is disclosed which is usable to monitor data-being-transferred in terms of blocks (512 bytes or 256 words) wherein the data-being-transferred is temporarily stored in a RAM buffer memory. Thus, data blocks being transferred from a main host computer to a peripheral terminal unit (as a magnetic tape unit) via a Tape Control Unit (TCU) can be monitored to indicate, at certain intervals, the balance of data residing in the buffer memory during moments between cycles where data has been shifted into and/or shifted out of the buffer memory.
A data processing system includes a CPU2, a main memory (4) subsystem, and a communication subsystem (8) all coupled to a system bus (16). Subsystems communicate with each other during asynchronously generated information bus transfer cycles. Each one of the subsystems receives information by providing any one of three signal responses including a positive acknowledge (immediate response), a negative acknowledge (the unit is busy), and a quasi-negative response (the unit will probably be ready soon). To expedite the response in the case of the transfer over the system bus of an input/output order from the central processing subsystem to the communication subsystem, the bus interface 30 in the communication system stores a positive acknowledge or a negative acknowledge signal for each communication channel. The signal is set to indicate a negative acknowledge when the previous input/ output order filled the last communication control block. The signal is set to indicate a positive acknowledge when the previous input/output order emptied the communication control block.
Die Erfindung bezieht sich auf eine mikroprogrammgesteuerte Ein-/Ausgabeeinrichtung (I/O) und auf ein Verfahren zum Durchführen von Ein-/Ausgabeoperationen. In der Ein- / Ausgabeeinrichtung teilen sich Mikroprozessoren (AVP, DVP) in die Verarbeitung der Einzelfunktionen bei Ein- / Ausgabetransfer. Ein Auftragsverwaltungsprozessor (AVP) übernimmt die Systemfunktionen, d.h. insbesondere die Steuerung der Schnittstelle zum Hauptspeicher (MM) des datenverarbeitenden Systems. Er überträgt aus dem Hauptspeicher (MM) nach Anforderung durch die zentrale Verarbeitungseinrichtung (CPU) die Ausgangsparameter und die ersten Befehle eines adressierten Kanalprogrammes in einen Lokalspeicher (LS) und aktiviert einen Datenverwaltungsprozessor (DVP). Dieser übernimmt die Funktionen zum Steuern der Schnittstelle zur Peripherie. Er liest dazu den ersten Kanalbefehl aus dem Lokalspeicher (LS) und wickelt den Datenverkehr in Zusammenarbeit mit Steuerungen der Ein-Ausgabekanäle (CH1 ... CHn) befehlsweise ab. Dabei fordert er während derAufbereitung eines neuen Kanalbefehles jeweils den Auftragsverwaltungsprozessor (AVP) auf, den nächsten Kanlbefehl im voraus bereitzustellen. Am Ende eines Ein-/Ausgabetransfers sichert er die Zustandsinformation im Lokalspeicher (LS) und übergibt dem Datenverwaltungsprozessor (DVP) eine Endeanforderung. Dieser speichert daraufhin die Zustandsinformation im Hauptspeicher (MM) und überträgt an die zentrale Verarbeitungseinheit (CPU) die Endeanforderung. Die Erfindung eignet sich insbesondere für leistungsstarke Datenverarbeitungssysteme mit einer Vielzahl von peripheren Geräten und damit von umfangreichem Ein- / Ausgabeverkehr.