A programmable logic controller with enhanced and extended capabilities. A digital input filter implement filters with considerable less logic by simulating the action of a capacitor being driven by a constant current source whose output voltage is sensed by a comparator with a large amount of hysteresis. A pulse catch circuit captures the input pulse even though the update occurs between scan cycles. A pulse output controller includes a hardware pipeline mechanism to allow for smooth, hardware-controlled transitions from wave-form to wave-form. A free port link allows the user to control the port either manually or by operation of a user program. In order to provide higher performance for communication using PPI protocol, the PLC includes a built-in protocol. An n-bit modem protocol ensures data integrity without use of a parity type data integrity system. A hide instruction protects proprietary software by encrypting the sensitive code and decrypting the code during compilation and, thereafter, re-encrypting the code. A system function call allows the user to create and/or download new PLC functions and implement them as PLC operating system functions. An STL status function debugs programs during run-time and while the program is executing. A micro PLC arrangement provides compact size and efficiency.
A programmable logic controller with enhanced and extended capabilities. A digital input filter implements filters with considerably less logic by simulating the action of a capacitor being driven by a constant current source whose output voltage is sensed by a comparator with a large amount of hysterisis. A pulse catch circuit captures the input pulse even though the update occurs between scan cycles. A pulse output controller includes a hardware pipeline mechanism to allow for smooth, hardware-controlled transitions from wave-form to wave-form. A free port link allows the user to control the port either manually or by operation of a user program. In order to provide higher performance for communication using PPI protocol, the PLC includes a built-in protocol. An n-bit modem protocol ensures data integrity without use of a parity type data integrity system. A hide instruction protects proprietary software by encrypting the sensitive code and decrypting the code during compilation and, thereafter, reencrypting the code. A system function call allows the user to create and/or download new PLC functions and implement them as PLC operating system functions. An STL status function debugs programs during run-time and while the program is executing. A micro PLC arrangement provides compact size and efficiency.
A programmable logic controller with enhanced and extended capabilities. A digital input filter implement filters with considerable less logic by simulating the action of a capacitor being driven by a constant current source whose output voltage is sensed by a comparator with a large amount of hysterisis. A pulse catch circuit captures the input pulse even though the update occurs between scan cycles. A pulse output controller includes a hardware pipeline mechanism to allow for smooth, hardware-controlled transitions from wave-form to wave-form. A free port link allows the user to control the port either manually or by operation of a user program. In order to provide higher performance for communication using PPI protocol, the PLC includes a built-in protocol. An n-bit modem protocol ensures data integrity without use of a parity type data integrity system. A hide instruction protects proprietary software by encrypting the sensitive code and decrypting the code during compilation and, thereafter, re-encrypting the code. A system function call allows the user to create and/or download new PLC functions and implement them as PLC operating system functions. An STL status function debugs programs during run-time and while the program is executing. A micro PLC arrangement provides compact size and efficiency.
A programmable logic controller with enhanced and extended capabilities. A digital input filter implement filters with considerable less logic by simulating the action of a capacitor being driven by a constant current source whose output voltage is sensed by a comparator with a large amount of hysterisis. A pulse catch circuit captures the input pulse even though the update occurs between scan cycles. A pulse output controller includes a hardware pipeline mechanism to allow for smooth, hardware-controlled transitions from wave-form to wave-form. A free port link allows the user to control the port either manually or by operation of a user program. In order to provide higher performance for communication using PPI protocol, the PLC includes a built-in protocol. An n-bit modem protocol ensures data integrity without use of a parity type data integrity system. A hide instruction protects proprietary software by encrypting the sensitive code and decrypting the code during compilation and, thereafter, re-encrypting the code. A system function call allows the user to create and/or download new PLC functions and implement them as PLC operating system functions. An STL status function debugs programs during run-time and while the program is executing. A micro PLC arrangement provides compact size and efficiency.
Certain exemplary embodiments can provide a method for utilizing a memory cartridge connected to a PLC. The memory cartridge can comprise a plurality of memory segments. The method can comprise a plurality of activities comprising: providing a default identifying stamp for records in a data log file, a structure for the data log file stored separately from the data log file in the memory cartridge, and obtaining a request to provide the data log file.
Certain exemplary embodiments can provide a method for utilizing a memory cartridge connected to a PLC, the memory cartridge comprising a plurality of memory segments. The method can comprise a plurality of activities comprising: providing the memory cartridge, the memory cartridge housing a memory module, and providing to the memory cartridge a project file. The project file can comprise a user program, a recipe comprising a plurality of input values, each input value from the plurality of input values corresponding to a process variable, and a structure of a data log file stored separately from the data log file.