A coil and an electrical strip or electrical sheet with at least one heat-hardening hotmelt varnish, namely a baked enamel layer, provided on its flat sides, which has an epoxy resin base, at least one hardener, and at least one filler, are disclosed. In order to achieve a high storage stability and long-term temperature stability, the proposal is made for the filler of the baked enamel layer to have a metal carbonate, sulfate, sulfide, silicate, or phosphate or any mix of a plurality of these.
A coil and an electrical strip or electrical sheet with at least one heat-hardening hotmelt varnish, namely a baked enamel layer, provided on its flat sides, which has an epoxy resin base, at least one hardener, and at least one filler, are disclosed. In order to achieve a high storage stability and long-term temperature stability, the proposal is made for the filler of the baked enamel layer to have a metal carbonate, sulfate, sulfide, silicate, or phosphate or any mix of a plurality of these.
A laminated core and a method for connecting sheet metal parts to form a laminated core, wherein sheet metal parts are separated from a sheet metal strip having, at least in some regions, a layer of curable polymer adhesive, and the sheet metal parts with adhesive-coated sides facing one another are provided above one another and are bonded under pressure to form a laminated core. In order to create advantageous method conditions, according to the invention a mixture comprising water and a thermoplastic and/or cross-linkable adhesion promoter is provided on at least one of the adhesive layers facing one another during bonding of the sheet metal parts.