A patient monitoring system having a patient parameter cable with a memory device is provided. The parameter cable having a memory device is capable of storing system information, such as configuration settings, patient-specific data, and cable identification information. Upon connection of the parameter cable to a subsequent monitoring station, the cable memory is read, and the station is configured in accordance with information stored in the parameter cable. Continuity of patient monitoring system settings and calibrations during disconnection and reconnection of patient parameter cables is maintained. Clinical workflow is improved. Opportunity for error that accompanies manual entry of patient data and information is reduced. Improved tracking capability facilitates quality control of parameter cables.
A data acquisition system can include an acquisition device and a receiving device. The acquisition device includes inputs that receive data from sensors connected to a subject, a wireless and/or a wired transmitter that transmits data received by the inputs, and a housing carrying at least some of the components of the acquisition device. The housing may be wearable by a patient. The acquisition device may be switchable between a tethered data transmission mode and an untethered data transmission mode. The receiving device includes a receiver that receives data transmitted by the acquisition device, and may include an output that outputs data to a host. The system may be configured to transmit data from the data acquisition device to the local monitor point-to-point. The system is particularly useful for monitoring high acuity patients that may or may not require ambulation.